Name | Type | Required | Description |
Constants_ | List<Constants> | ❌ | Allows to filter the results only for specific sections. |
Languages | List<ConstantInputDtoLanguages> | ❌ |
Allows to filter the results only for specific sections.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AccommodationTypes | string | ✅ | "ACCOMMODATION_TYPES" |
AccommodationFacilities | string | ✅ | "ACCOMMODATION_FACILITIES" |
AccommodationThemes | string | ✅ | "ACCOMMODATION_THEMES" |
BedTypes | string | ✅ | "BED_TYPES" |
FacilityTypes | string | ✅ | "FACILITY_TYPES" |
ChargeTypes | string | ✅ | "CHARGE_TYPES" |
RoomTypes | string | ✅ | "ROOM_TYPES" |
RoomFacilities | string | ✅ | "ROOM_FACILITIES" |
ReviewScores | string | ✅ | "REVIEW_SCORES" |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Ar | string | ✅ | "AR" |
Bg | string | ✅ | "BG" |
Ca | string | ✅ | "CA" |
Cs | string | ✅ | "CS" |
Da | string | ✅ | "DA" |
De | string | ✅ | "DE" |
El | string | ✅ | "EL" |
En | string | ✅ | "EN" |
EnGb | string | ✅ | "EN_GB" |
EnUs | string | ✅ | "EN_US" |
Es | string | ✅ | "ES" |
EsAr | string | ✅ | "ES_AR" |
EsMx | string | ✅ | "ES_MX" |
Et | string | ✅ | "ET" |
Fi | string | ✅ | "FI" |
Fr | string | ✅ | "FR" |
He | string | ✅ | "HE" |
Hi | string | ✅ | "HI" |
Hr | string | ✅ | "HR" |
Hu | string | ✅ | "HU" |
Id | string | ✅ | "ID" |
Is_ | string | ✅ | "IS" |
It | string | ✅ | "IT" |
Ja | string | ✅ | "JA" |
Ka | string | ✅ | "KA" |
Ko | string | ✅ | "KO" |
Lt | string | ✅ | "LT" |
Lv | string | ✅ | "LV" |
Ms | string | ✅ | "MS" |
Nl | string | ✅ | "NL" |
No | string | ✅ | "NO" |
Pl | string | ✅ | "PL" |
PtBr | string | ✅ | "PT_BR" |
PtPt | string | ✅ | "PT_PT" |
Ro | string | ✅ | "RO" |
Ru | string | ✅ | "RU" |
Sk | string | ✅ | "SK" |
Sl | string | ✅ | "SL" |
Sr | string | ✅ | "SR" |
Sv | string | ✅ | "SV" |
Th | string | ✅ | "TH" |
Tl | string | ✅ | "TL" |
Tr | string | ✅ | "TR" |
Uk | string | ✅ | "UK" |
Vi | string | ✅ | "VI" |
ZhCn | string | ✅ | "ZH_CN" |
ZhTw | string | ✅ | "ZH_TW" |
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