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IdlongA signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation property.
NameTranslatedStringTranslated description of this room. The maximum number of characters returned may be limited by contract.
AccommodationTypelongA signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation property type. Examples of accommodation types are: Apartment, Hostel, Hotel etc.
BrandsList<long>A signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation brand.
ContactsContactsDtoContact information of the accommodation.
CurrencystringA three-letter code that uniquely identifies a monetary currency as defined by the ISO 4217 standard.
FacilitiesList<FacilityDto>The list of facilities available in this property. Requires {"extras":["facilities"]}.
DeepLinkUrlstringDeep link mobile app URL.
DescriptionDescriptionDtoTextual information about the accommodation. Requires {"extras":["description"]}.
IsWorkFriendlyboolFlags if this accommodation is work friendly.
LocationLocationDtoAll location related information of this accommodation property.
NumberOfRoomslongTotal number of rooms in the property. Please note that this is not an availability call and that this number is mostly used to determine the size and type of a property.
PaymentPaymentDtoPayment terms and conditions for this product.
PhotosList<PhotoDto>List of photos for this accommodation property.The maximum number of photos returned may be limited by contract. Requires {"extras":["photos"]}. The photos are returned in no particular order.
PoliciesPoliciesDtoThe policies for this product.
PriceCategorystringIndicates the qualitative price reference (between $ and $$$$) on how expensive an accommodation is. Accommodations in the same city are sorted by ascending price (average per guest per night in the last month), the ones in the lowest 25 percentile are in category $, between 25 and 50 percentile are in category $$, between 50 and 75 percentile are in category $$$, remaining ones are in category $$$$.
ProgrammesProgramSettingsDtoDetails of programmes undergone by the property.
RoomsList<RoomDto>The list of room types available at this property. Requires {"extras":["rooms"]}.

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