Hotel specific information.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Address | string | ❌ | The street address of the hotel. |
CityId | long | ❌ | Id of the city where this property is located. |
Country | string | ❌ | Two-letter ISO country code of the hotel. |
Location | CoordinatesDto | ❌ | A signed integer number that uniquely identifies a city. |
Zip | string | ❌ | Hotel ZIP code |
Currency | string | ❌ | Three-letter ISO currency code for the hotel. |
CheckinCheckoutTimes | CheckinCheckoutTimesDto | ❌ | |
HotelPhotos | List<HotelPhotoDto> | ❌ | Photos specific information of the hotel. |
HotelDescription | string | ❌ | The description text for this hotel. |
Url | string | ❌ | URL of the hotel's page on |
DeepLinkUrl | string | ❌ | Deep link mobile app URL. |
RegionIds | List<long> | ❌ | List of region_ids that the hotel belongs to |
NumberOfReviews | long | ❌ | Number of reviews for this hotel. |
ReviewScore | double | ❌ | Review score of this hotel. |
SpokenLanguages | List<string> | ❌ | Languages spoken by the hotel's staff |
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