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Hotel specific information.


AddressstringThe street address of the hotel.
CityIdlongId of the city where this property is located.
CountrystringTwo-letter ISO country code of the hotel.
LocationCoordinatesDtoA signed integer number that uniquely identifies a city.
ZipstringHotel ZIP code
CurrencystringThree-letter ISO currency code for the hotel.
HotelPhotosList<HotelPhotoDto>Photos specific information of the hotel.
HotelDescriptionstringThe description text for this hotel.
UrlstringURL of the hotel's page on
DeepLinkUrlstringDeep link mobile app URL.
RegionIdsList<long>List of region_ids that the hotel belongs to
NumberOfReviewslongNumber of reviews for this hotel.
ReviewScoredoubleReview score of this hotel.
SpokenLanguagesList<string>Languages spoken by the hotel's staff

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