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The list of room types available at this property. Requires {"extras":["rooms"]}.


IdlongA signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation property room.
NameTranslatedStringTranslated description of this room. The maximum number of characters returned may be limited by contract.
AttributesList<RoomDtoAttributes>Lists a set of attribute qualifiers for this room. Will not be returned if no relevant attributes are applicable.
BedOptionsList<BedOptionDto>Lists all possible bedding options for this room or apartment.
CribsAndExtraBedsCribsAndExtraBedsDtoLists room options regarding adding cribs and/or extra beds.
DescriptionTranslatedStringTranslated description of this room. The maximum number of characters returned may be limited by contract.
FacilitiesList<long>A signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation property room facility. Examples of facilities are: Coffee/Tea maker, TV, Airconditioning, etc.
MaximumOccupancyRoomMaximumOccupancyDtoOccupancy limits and options.
NumberOfRoomsNumberOfRoomsDtoTotal rooms available.
RoomTypelongA signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation property room type. Example of room types are: Suite, Apartment, Twin/Double etc.
SizelongThe room area in square meters.


Lists a set of attribute qualifiers for this room. Will not be returned if no relevant attributes are applicable.



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