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CheckinstringThe checkin date. Must be within 500 days in the future and in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
CheckoutstringThe checkout date. Must be later than (checkin). Must be between 1 and 90 days after (checkin). Must be within 500 days in the future and in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
BookerBookerInputDtoThe booker's information.
GuestsGuestsInputDtoThe guest details for the request.
CurrencystringA three-letter code that uniquely identifies a monetary currency as defined by the ISO 4217 standard.
CitylongA signed integer number that uniquely identifies a city.
CountrystringA two-letter code that uniquely identifies a country. This code is defined by the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard (ISO2) as described here:
ExtrasList<SearchInputDtoExtras>Input parameter to request for additional information about the products.
AccommodationsList<long>A signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation property.
AccommodationFacilitiesList<long>A signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation facility.
RoomFacilitiesList<long>A signed integer number that uniquely identifies a room facility.
AccommodationTypesList<long>A signed integer number that uniquely identifies an accommodation type.
BrandsList<long>A signed integer number that uniquely identifies a brand.
AirportstringA three-letter code that uniquely identifies an airport as defined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
DistrictlongA signed integer number that uniquely identifies a district. Typically, districts define known areas within a city.
LandmarklongA signed integer number that uniquely identifies a relevant geographical landmark, like a monument or a natural attraction.
CoordinatesCoordinatesLimit the result list to the specified coordinates.
RegionlongA signed integer number that uniquely identifies a geographical region. Regions usually define official administrative areas within a country, but may also include multiple countries and in some cases un-official but popular designations for geographical areas. An example of a region that crosses multiple countries is the Alps in Europe.
RowslongThe maximum number of results to return.
PagestringPagination token used to retrieve the next page of results. Obtained from next_page.


Input parameter to request for additional information about the products.



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