PinnacleLink Python SDK 1.0.0
Welcome to the PinnacleLink SDK documentation. This guide will help you get started with integrating and using the PinnacleLink SDK in your project.
- API version:
- SDK version:
About the API
All about odds and fixtures # Authentication Please note that API has restriction that client password can be maximum up 10 characters long. API uses HTTP Basic access authentication. You need to send Authorization HTTP Request header: Authorization: Basic
Example: Authorization: Basic U03MyOT23YbzMDc6d3c3O1DQ1
Table of Contents
Setup & Configuration
Supported Language Versions
This SDK is compatible with the following versions: Python >= 3.7
To get started with the SDK, we recommend installing using pip
pip install pinnacle-link-client
Basic Authentication
The PinnacleLink API uses Basic Authentication.
You need to provide your username and password when initializing the SDK.
Setting the Username and Password
When you initialize the SDK, you can set the username and password as follows:
If you need to set or update the username and password after initializing the SDK, you can use:
sdk.set_basic_auth("YOUR_USERNAME", "YOUR_PASSWORD")
The SDK provides various services to interact with the API.
Below is a list of all available services with links to their detailed documentation:
The SDK includes several models that represent the data structures used in API requests and responses. These models help in organizing and managing the data efficiently.
Below is a list of all available models with links to their detailed documentation:
Name | Description |
FixturesResponse | |
SpecialsFixturesResponse | |
SettledFixturesSport | |
SettledSpecialsResponse | Response dto for SettledSpecials request |
OddsResponse | |
OddsStraightV1GetOddsFormat | |
TeaserOddsResponse | |
SpecialOddsResponse | |
OddsSpecialV1GetOddsFormat | |
LineResponse | |
LineStraightV1GetOddsFormat | |
LineStraightV1GetBetType | |
LineStraightV1GetTeam | |
LineStraightV1GetSide | |
ParlayLinesRequest | |
ParlayLinesResponseV2 | |
LinesRequestTeaser | |
TeaserLinesResponse | |
SpecialLineResponse | |
LineSpecialV1GetOddsFormat | |
SportsResponse | |
Leagues | |
SportPeriod | |
InRunningResponse | |
TeaserGroupsResponse | |
TeaserGroupsV1GetOddsFormat | |
CancellationReasonResponse | Cancellation Response Data |
SuccessfulCurrenciesResponse | |
FixturesLeague | |
Fixture | |
FixtureLiveStatus | Indicates live status of the event. 0 = No live betting will be offered on this event, 1 = Live betting event, 2 = Live betting will be offered on this match, but on a different event. Please note that pre-game and live events are different . |
FixtureStatus | This is deprecated parameter, please check period's status in the /odds endpoint to see if it's open for betting. O = This is the starting status of a game. H = This status indicates that the lines are temporarily unavailable for betting, I = This status indicates that one or more lines have a red circle (lower maximum bet amount). |
ParlayRestriction | Parlay status of the event. 0 = Allowed to parlay, without restrictions, 1 = Not allowed to parlay this event, 2 = Allowed to parlay with the restrictions. You cannot have more than one leg from the same event in the parlay. All events with the same rotation number are treated as same event. |
SpecialsFixturesLeague | |
SpecialFixture | |
SpecialFixtureBetType | The type [MULTI_WAY_HEAD_TO_HEAD, SPREAD, OVER_UNDER] |
SpecialFixtureStatus | Status of the Special O = This is the starting status. It means that the lines are open for betting, H = This status indicates that the lines are temporarily unavailable for betting, I = This status indicates that one or more lines have a red circle (a lower maximum bet amount) |
SpecialsFixturesEvent | Optional event asscoaited with the special. |
SpecialsFixturesContestant | |
SpecialFixtureLiveStatus | When a special is linked to an event, we will return live status of the event, otherwise it will be 0. 0 = No live betting will be offered on this event, 1 = Live betting event, 2 = Live betting will be offered on this match, but on a different event. Please note that live delay is applied when placing bets on special with LiveStatus=1 |
SettledFixturesLeague | |
SettledFixturesEvent | |
SettledFixturesPeriod | |
SettledFixturesPeriodStatus | Period settlement status. 1 = Event period is settled, 2 = Event period is re-settled, 3 = Event period is cancelled, 4 = Event period is re-settled as cancelled, 5 = Event is deleted |
CancellationReasonType | |
CancellationReasonDetailsType | |
SettledSpecialsLeague | League Dto to hold all settled specials for the league |
SettledSpecial | Settled Special |
CancellationReason | Cancellation Data |
SettledContestants | Settled Special |
Outcome | Contestant outcomes W = Won, L = Lost, X = Cancelled, T = Tie, Z = Scratched |
OddsLeague | |
OddsEvent | |
OddsPeriod | |
OddsSpread | |
OddsMoneyline | |
OddsTotal | |
OddsTeamTotals | |
OddsTeamTotal | |
TeaserOddsLeague | |
TeaserOddsEvent | |
TeaserOddsPeriod | |
TeaserOddsSpread | |
TeaserOddsTotalPoints | |
SpecialOddsLeague | |
SpecialOddsSpecial | |
SpecialOddsContestantLine | |
LineResponseStatus | If the value is NOT_EXISTS, than this will be the only parameter in the response. All other params would be empty. [SUCCESS = OK, NOT_EXISTS = Line not offered anymore] |
ParlayLinesRequestOddsFormat | Odds in the response will be in this format. [American, Decimal, HongKong, Indonesian, Malay] |
ParlayLineRequest | |
ParlayLineRequestTeam | Chosen team type. This is needed only for SPREAD and MONEYLINE wager types. [Team1, Team2, Draw (MONEYLINE only)] |
ParlayLineRequestSide | Chosen side. This is needed only for TOTAL_POINTS wager type. [OVER, UNDER] |
ParlayLinesResponseV2Status | Status of the parlay [VALID = Parlay is valid, PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR = Parlay contains error(s)] |
RoundRobinOptionWithOddsV2 | |
ParlayLineLeg | |
RoundRobinOption | RoundRobinOptions Parlay = Single parlay that include all wagers (No Round Robin), TwoLegRoundRobin = Multiple parlays having 2 wagers each (round robin style), ThreeLegRoundRobin = Multiple parlays having 3 wagers each (round robin style), FourLegRoundRobin = Multiple parlays having 4 wagers each (round robin style), FiveLegRoundRobin = Multiple parlays having 5 wagers each (round robin style), SixLegRoundRobin = Multiple parlays having 6 wagers each (round robin style), SevenLegRoundRobin = Multiple parlays having 7 wagers each (round robin style), EightLegRoundRobin = Multiple parlays having 8 wagers each (round robin style) |
ParlayLineLegStatus | Status of the request. [VALID = Valid leg, PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR = Processed with error] |
ParlayLineLegErrorCode | When Status is PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR, provides a code indicating the specific problem. CORRELATED - The leg is correlated with another one, CANNOT_PARLAY_LIVE_GAME - The wager is placed on Live game, EVENT_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE_FOR_BETTING - The event is no longer offered for Parlays, EVENT_NOT_OFFERED_FOR_PARLAY - The event is not offered for Parlays, LINE_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_EVENT - LineId does not match the EventId specified in the request, WAGER_TYPE_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE_FOR_BETTING - Wager Type no longer available for betting, WAGER_TYPE_NOT_VALID_FOR_PARLAY - Wager Type not valid for parlay, WAGER_TYPE_CONFLICTS_WITH_OTHER_LEG - Wager Type conflicts with other leg SAME_EVENT_PERIODS_ARE_DISALLOWED - It's not allowed to parlay selected periods of the same event. |
LinesRequestTeaserOddsFormat | Format the odds are returned in.. = [American, Decimal, HongKong, Indonesian, Malay] |
TeaserLineRequest | |
TeaserLineRequestBetType | Type of bet. Currently only SPREAD and TOTAL_POINTS are supported. [SPREAD, TOTAL_POINTS] |
TeaserLineRequestTeam | Team being bet on for a spread line. [Team1, Team2] |
TeaserLineRequestSide | Side of a total line being bet on. [OVER, UNDER] |
TeaserLinesResponseStatus | Status of the request. [VALID = Teaser is valid, PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR = Teaser contains one or more errors] |
TeaserLinesResponseErrorCode | When Status is PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR, provides a code indicating the specific problem. INVALID_LEGS = One or more of the legs is invalid, SAME_EVENT_ONLY_REQUIRED = Teaser specified requires that all legs are from the same event, TEASER_DISABLED = Teaser has been disabled and cannot be bet on, TEASER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = The teaser identifier could not be found, TOO_FEW_LEGS = You do not meet the minimum number of legs requirement for the teaser specified, TOO_MANY_LEGS = You are above the maximum number of legs for the teaser specified, UNKNOWN = An unknown error has occurred |
TeaserLineLeg | |
TeaserLineLegStatus | Status of the request. [VALID = Teaser is valid, PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR = Teaser contains error(s)] |
TeaserLineLegErrorCode | When Status is PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR, provides a code indicating the specific problem. EVENT_NOT_FOUND - The event specified could not be found, POINTS_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE - The points requested are no longer available. This means that the lines moved, UNKNOWN - An unknown error has occured, WAGER_TYPE_NOT_VALID_FOR_TEASER - The specified wager type is not valid for teasers GAME_TEASER_DISABLED - Teasers are disabled for the event. |
SpecialLineResponseStatus | Status [SUCCESS = OK, NOT_EXISTS = Line not offered anymore] |
Sport | |
League | |
InRunningSport | |
InRunningLeague | |
InRunningEvent | |
State | State of the game. 1 = First half in progress, 2 = Half time in progress, 3 = Second half in progress, 4 = End of regular time, 5 = First half extra time in progress, 6 = Extra time half time in progress, 7 = Second half extra time in progress, 8 = End of extra time, 9 = End of Game, 10 = Game is temporary suspended, 11 = Penalties in progress |
TeaserGroups | |
TeaserGroupsTeaser | |
TeaserGroupsPayout | |
TeaserGroupsLeague | |
TeaserGroupsBetType | |
Currency |
This SDK is licensed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for more details.
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