NY Times Article Search TypeScript SDK 1.0.0
Welcome to the NYTimes Article Search SDK documentation. This guide will help you get started with integrating and using the NYTimes Article Search SDK in your project.
- API version:
- SDK version:
About the API
Use the Article Search API to look up articles by keyword. You can refine your search using filters and facets. /articlesearch.json?q={query}&fq={filter}
Example Call
Use filters to narrow the scope of your search. You can specify the fields and the values that your query will be filtered on. The Article Search API uses Elasticsearch, so the filter query (fq) uses standard Lucene syntax. Separate the filter field name and value with a colon, and surround multiple values with parentheses. field-name:( value1 , value2 , ... value n )
The default connector for values in parentheses is OR. If you declare an explicit boolean value, it must be capitalized. You can filter on multiple values and fields. field-name-1:( value1 ) AND field-name-2:( value2 , value3 )
For a list of all fields you can filter on, see the Filter Query Fields table below. You can also filter by search text.
The Article Search API returns a max of 10 results at a time. The meta node in the response contains the total number of matches ( hits ) and the current offset. Use the page query parameter to paginate thru results (page=0 for results 1-10, page=1 for 11-20, ...). You can paginate thru up to 100 pages (1,000 results). If you get too many results try filtering by date range.
Filter Query Examples
Restrict your search to articles with The New York Times as the source: fq=source:( The New York Times )
Restrict your search to articles from either the Sports or Foreign desk: fq=news_desk:( Sports , Foreign )
Restrict your search to articles that are about New York City and from the Sports desk: fq=news_desk:( Sports ) AND glocations:( NEW YORK CITY )
If you do not specify a field, the scope of the filter query will look for matches in the body, headline and byline. The example below will restrict your search to articles with The New York Times in the body, headline or byline: fq=The New York Times
Find articles with the word Pokemon that were on the print paper's front page. fq=Pokemon AND print_page:1 AND (print_section:( A , 1 ) OR (!_exists_:print_section))
Use facets to view the relative importance of certain fields to a search term, and gain insight about how to best refine your queries and filter your search results. The following fields can be used as facet fields: day_of_week, document_type, ingredients, news_desk, pub_month, pub_year, section_name, source, subsection_name, and type_of_material. Specify facets using the facet_fields parameter. Set facet=true and the response will contain an array with a count for the five terms that have the highest count for each facet. For example, including the following in your request will add a facet array with a count for the top five days of the week to the response. facet_fields=day_of_week&facet=true
By default, facet counts ignore all filters and return the count for all results of a query. For the following queries, the facet count in each response will be identical, even though the results returned in one set is restricted to articles published in 2012. q=obama&facet_fields=source&facet=true&begin_date=20120101&end_date=20121231
You can force facet counts to respect filters by setting facet_filter=true. Facet counts will be restricted based on any filters you have specified (this includes both explicit filter queries set using the fq parameter and implicit filters like begin_date). Here is the facet array response to the query. javascript facets : { source : { _type : terms , missing : 524, total : 83121, other : 317, terms : [ { term : The New York Times , count : 68530 }, { term : AP , count : 7705 }, { term : Reuters , count : 4969 }, { term : International Herald Tribune , count : 1464 }, { term : , count : 136 } ] } }
If you set facet_filter to true the facet array will only count facet occurences in 2012. javascript facets : { source : { _type : terms , missing : 192, total : 22596, other : 139, terms : [ { term : The New York Times , count : 14812 }, ...
Examples Requests
Search for documents containing 'new york times' and return results 20-29 with results sorted oldest first. https://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json?q=new+york+times&page=2&sort=oldest&api-key=your-api-key
Search for all documents published on January 1, 2012 containing 'romney'. Facet count will be returned for 'day_of_week' and will be reflective of all documents (i.e., the date range filter and filter query do not affect facet counts). https://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json?fq=romney&facet_field=day_of_week&facet=true&begin_date=20120101&end_date=20120101&api-key=your-api-key
Example Response
Here is an partial example response. javascript { response : { meta : { hits : 25, time : 332, offset : 0 }, docs : [ { web_url : http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/01/virginia-attorney-general-backs-off-ballot-proposal/ , snippet : Virginia's attorney general on Sunday backed off of a proposal to loosen the state's ballot access rules to allow more Republican presidential candidates to qualify. , lead_paragraph : DES MOINES -- Virginia's attorney general on Sunday backed off of a proposal to loosen the state's ballot access rules to allow more Republican presidential candidates to qualify. , ... } ], facets : { day_of_week : { _type : terms , missing : 1871790, total : 13098462, other : 3005891, terms : [ { term : Sunday , count : 3122347 }, ...
Fields in Response You can limit the number fields returned in the response with the fl parameter. fl=web_url
Table of Contents
Setup & Configuration
Supported Language Versions
This SDK is compatible with the following versions: TypeScript >= 4.8.4
To get started with the SDK, we recommend installing using npm
npm install nyt-article-search
The SDK provides various services to interact with the API.
Below is a list of all available services with links to their detailed documentation:
Name |
SearchService |
The SDK includes several models that represent the data structures used in API requests and responses. These models help in organizing and managing the data efficiently.
Below is a list of all available models with links to their detailed documentation:
This SDK is licensed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for more details.
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