Name | Type | Required | Description |
abstract | string | ❌ | |
webUrl | string | ❌ | Article URL. |
snippet | string | ❌ | |
leadParagraph | string | ❌ | |
printPage | number | ❌ | Page in print (e.g. 1). |
printSection | string | ❌ | Section in print (e.g. A). |
source | string | ❌ | |
multimedia | Multimedia[] | ❌ | |
headline | Headline | ❌ | |
keywords | Keyword[] | ❌ | |
pubDate | string | ❌ | Publication date. |
documentType | string | ❌ | Document type (article, multimedia). |
newsDesk | string | ❌ | Desk in the newsroom that worked on the story (Foreign, Metro, Sports, ...). |
sectionName | string | ❌ | Section that the article appeared in (New York, Sports, World, ...). |
subsectionName | string | ❌ | |
byline | Byline | ❌ | |
typeOfMaterial | string | ❌ | Type of asset (Correction, News, Op-Ed, Review, Video, ...). |
_id | string | ❌ | |
wordCount | number | ❌ | Number of words in the article. |
uri | string | ❌ | Uniquely identifies an asset. |
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