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A list of all methods in the ListsService service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.

GET_lists_date_list_jsonGet Best Sellers list by date.
GET_lists_full_overview_formatGet all books for all the Best Sellers lists for specified date.
GET_lists_overview_formatGet top 5 books for all the Best Sellers lists for specified date.
GET_lists_names_formatGet Best Sellers list names.
GET_lists_best_sellers_history_jsonGet Best Sellers list history.


Get Best Sellers list by date.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lists/{date}/{list}.json


datestringYYYY-MM-DD or "current" The date the best sellers list was published on Use "current" to get latest list.
liststringName of the Best Sellers List (e.g. hardcover-fiction). You can get the full list of names from the /lists/names.json service.
offsetnumberSets the starting point of the result set (0, 20, ...). Used to paginate thru books if list has more than 20. Defaults to 0. The num_results field indicates how many books are in the list.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { NytBooksSdk } from 'nyt-books';

(async () => {
const nytBooksSdk = new NytBooksSdk({});

const { data } = await nytBooksSdk.lists.getListsDateListJson('5452-39-56', 'list', {
offset: 123,



Get all books for all the Best Sellers lists for specified date.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lists/full-overview.json


publishedDatestringYYYY-MM-DD The best-seller list publication date. You do not have to specify the exact date the list was published. The service will search forward (into the future) for the closest publication date to the date you specify. For example, a request for lists/overview/2013-05-22 will retrieve the list that was published on 05-26. If you do not include a published date, the current week's best sellers lists will be returned.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { NytBooksSdk } from 'nyt-books';

(async () => {
const nytBooksSdk = new NytBooksSdk({});

const { data } = await nytBooksSdk.lists.getListsFullOverviewFormat({
publishedDate: '7769-96-79',



Get top 5 books for all the Best Sellers lists for specified date.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lists/overview.json


publishedDatestringYYYY-MM-DD The best-seller list publication date. You do not have to specify the exact date the list was published. The service will search forward (into the future) for the closest publication date to the date you specify. For example, a request for lists/overview/2013-05-22 will retrieve the list that was published on 05-26. If you do not include a published date, the current week's best sellers lists will be returned.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { NytBooksSdk } from 'nyt-books';

(async () => {
const nytBooksSdk = new NytBooksSdk({});

const { data } = await nytBooksSdk.lists.getListsOverviewFormat({
publishedDate: '1655-76-99',



Get Best Sellers list names.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lists/names.json

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { NytBooksSdk } from 'nyt-books';

(async () => {
const nytBooksSdk = new NytBooksSdk({});

const { data } = await nytBooksSdk.lists.getListsNamesFormat();



Get Best Sellers list history.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lists/best-sellers/history.json


ageGroupstringThe target age group for the best seller.
authorstringThe author of the best seller. The author field does not include additional contributors (see Data Structure for more details about the author and contributor fields). When searching the author field, you can specify any combination of first, middle and last names. When sort-by is set to author, the results will be sorted by author's first name.
contributorstringThe author of the best seller, as well as other contributors such as the illustrator (to search or sort by author name only, use author instead). When searching, you can specify any combination of first, middle and last names of any of the contributors. When sort-by is set to contributor, the results will be sorted by the first name of the first contributor listed.
isbnstringInternational Standard Book Number, 10 or 13 digits A best seller may have both 10-digit and 13-digit ISBNs, and may have multiple ISBNs of each type. To search on multiple ISBNs, separate the ISBNs with semicolons (example: 9780446579933;0061374229).
offsetnumberSets the starting point of the result set (0, 20, ...). Used to paginate thru results if there are more than 20. Defaults to 0. The num_results field indicates how many results there are total.
pricestringThe publisher's list price of the best seller, including decimal point.
publisherstringThe standardized name of the publisher
titlestringThe title of the best seller When searching, you can specify a portion of a title or a full title.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { NytBooksSdk } from 'nyt-books';

(async () => {
const nytBooksSdk = new NytBooksSdk({});

const { data } = await nytBooksSdk.lists.getListsBestSellersHistoryJson({
ageGroup: 'age-group',
author: 'author',
contributor: 'contributor',
isbn: 'isbn',
offset: 123,
price: 'price',
publisher: 'publisher',
title: 'title',


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