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urlstrArticle's URL.
adx_keywordsstrSemicolon separated list of keywords.
columnstrDeprecated. Set to null.
sectionstrArticle's section (e.g. Sports).
bylinestrArticle's byline (e.g. By Thomas L. Friedman).
type_strAsset type (e.g. Article, Interactive, ...).
titlestrArticle's headline (e.g. When the Cellos Play, the Cows Come Home).
abstractstrBrief summary of the article.
published_datestrWhen the article was published on the web (e.g. 2021-04-19).
sourcestrPublisher (e.g. New York Times).
updatedstrWhen the article was last updated (e.g. 2021-05-12 06:32:03).
nytdsectionstrArticle's section (e.g. sports).
id_intAsset ID number (e.g. 100000007772696).
asset_idintAsset ID number (e.g. 100000007772696).
des_facetList[str]Array of description facets (e.g. Quarantine (Life and Culture)).
org_facetList[str]Array of organization facets (e.g. Sullivan Street Bakery).
per_facetList[str]Array of person facets (e.g. Bittman, Mark).
geo_facetList[str]Array of geographic facets (e.g. Canada).
mediaList[Media]Array of images.
uristrAn article's globally unique identifier.

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