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includeFluencystringincludes fluency scoring for this request. To use this field you must have a Speechace API PRO key.
includeIeltsSubscorestringinclude IELTS subscores for (Vocabulary, Grammar, Coherence).
includeUnknownWordsstringautomatically identify the phonetic mapping for any unknown words such as names or locations and use that for scoring.
relevanceContextstringQuestion Prompt text provided to the user. When this parameter is passed, the relevance of the user audio transcript is evaluated for the given question prompt and a resulting relevance class is returned in .speech_score.relevance.class (TRUE/FALSE). A FALSE relevance class will result in .speech_score.fluency.overall_metrics.ielts_estimate and .speech_score.fluency.overall_metrics.pte_estimate to be set to the lowest possible score.
userAudioFileArrayBufferfile with user audio (wav, mp3, m4a, webm, ogg, aiff)

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