A list of all methods in the ShipmentsService
service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.
Methods | Description |
shipment | The Shipping API makes UPS shipping services available to client applications that communicate with UPS using the Internet |
void_shipment | The Void Shipping API is used to cancel the previously scheduled shipment |
The Shipping API makes UPS shipping services available to client applications that communicate with UPS using the Internet
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
request_body | ShipRequestWrapper | ✅ | The request body. |
version | str | ✅ | Indicates Ship API to display the new release features in Ship API response based on Ship release. Valid values: - v2403 |
additionaladdressvalidation | str | ❌ | Valid Values: city = validation will include city.Length 15 |
trans_id | str | ❌ | An identifier unique to the request. Length 32 |
transaction_src | str | ❌ | An identifier of the client/source application that is making the request.Length 512 |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
from ups_shipping import UpsShipping, Environment
from ups_shipping.models import ShipRequestWrapper
sdk = UpsShipping(
request_body = ShipRequestWrapper(
"request": {
"request_option": "laborum culpa",
"sub_version": "qui ",
"transaction_reference": {
"customer_context": "consequat cillum adipisicing proident"
"shipment": {
"description": "voluptate dolore ipsum culpa",
"return_service": {
"code": "c",
"description": "amet deserunt occ"
"documents_only_indicator": "DocumentsOnlyIndicator",
"shipper": {
"name": "minim mollit eiusmod",
"attention_name": "cupidatat mol",
"company_displayable_name": "sunt anim cupida",
"tax_identification_number": "ipsum",
"phone": {
"number": "mo",
"extension": "comm"
"shipper_number": "incidi",
"fax_number": "tem",
"e_mail_address": "in",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "dolore nisi voluptate la",
"state_province_code": "ul",
"postal_code": "reprehen",
"country_code": "qu"
"ship_to": {
"name": "dolor do offi",
"attention_name": "veniam sunt dolore do",
"company_displayable_name": "sit",
"tax_identification_number": "eiusmod la",
"phone": {
"number": "do E",
"extension": "s"
"fax_number": "enim repr",
"e_mail_address": "exercitation Ut proident ea con",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "magn",
"state_province_code": "mo",
"postal_code": "proiden",
"country_code": "es",
"residential_address_indicator": "ResidentialAddressIndicator"
"location_id": "cul"
"alternate_delivery_address": {
"name": "dolor dolore in ipsum do",
"attention_name": "et dolor quis mollit in",
"ups_access_point_id": "officiasu",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "est esse pariatur",
"state_province_code": "qu",
"postal_code": "quis ea ",
"country_code": "ip"
"ship_from": {
"name": "laboris voluptate exercitation anim",
"attention_name": "amet dolore anim",
"company_displayable_name": "qui c",
"tax_identification_number": "veli",
"tax_id_type": {
"code": "Code",
"description": "Description"
"phone": {
"number": "ull",
"extension": "Du"
"fax_number": "aliquip ex ea ",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "u",
"state_province_code": "i",
"postal_code": "i",
"country_code": "ut"
"vendor_info": {
"vendor_collect_id_type_code": "am",
"vendor_collect_id_number": "commo",
"consignee_type": "ci"
"payment_information": {
"shipment_charge": [
"type_": "se",
"bill_shipper": {
"account_number": "nisiin",
"credit_card": {
"type_": "se",
"number": "id laboru",
"expiration_date": "ipsum ",
"security_code": "Exce",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "consectetur id",
"state_province_code": "al",
"postal_code": "ex fu",
"country_code": "es"
"alternate_payment_method": "in"
"bill_receiver": {
"account_number": "proide",
"address": {
"postal_code": "vo"
"bill_third_party": {
"account_number": "velit ",
"certified_electronic_mail": "exercitation",
"interchange_system_code": "sit",
"address": {
"postal_code": "sunt eiu",
"country_code": "am"
"consignee_billed_indicator": "ConsigneeBilledIndicator"
"split_duty_vat_indicator": "SplitDutyVATIndicator"
"frs_payment_information": {
"type_": {
"code": "ci",
"description": "eiusmod laboris"
"account_number": "nulla ",
"address": {
"postal_code": "o",
"country_code": "ex"
"freight_shipment_information": {
"freight_density_info": {
"adjusted_height_indicator": "AdjustedHeightIndicator",
"adjusted_height": {
"value": "elit",
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "ex",
"description": "fugiat"
"handling_units": [
"quantity": "pariatur",
"type_": {
"code": "inv",
"description": "nisi"
"dimensions": {
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "al",
"description": "sit commodo mollit ad"
"length": "e",
"width": "exercitation ",
"height": "ullamco "
"density_eligible_indicator": "DensityEligibleIndicator"
"goods_not_in_free_circulation_indicator": "GoodsNotInFreeCirculationIndicator",
"promotional_discount_information": {
"promo_code": "do adipis",
"promo_alias_code": "ut culpa mollitin ad"
"dg_signatory_info": {
"name": "non estauteamet sedadipisicingad la",
"title": "Duis ut eiusmod magna enimlaboris d",
"place": "suntvoluptate nulla dolor exconsect",
"date_": "id sint ",
"shipper_declaration": "es",
"upload_only_indicator": "UploadOnlyIndicator"
"shipment_rating_options": {
"negotiated_rates_indicator": "NegotiatedRatesIndicator",
"frs_shipment_indicator": "FRSShipmentIndicator",
"rate_chart_indicator": "RateChartIndicator",
"tpfc_negotiated_rates_indicator": "TPFCNegotiatedRatesIndicator",
"user_level_discount_indicator": "UserLevelDiscountIndicator"
"movement_reference_number": "consectetur repreh",
"reference_number": [
"bar_code_indicator": "BarCodeIndicator",
"code": "cu",
"value": "eiusmod commodo exercitation"
"service": {
"code": "la",
"description": "nostrud ut"
"invoice_line_total": {
"currency_code": "con",
"monetary_value": "aute in min"
"num_of_pieces_in_shipment": "sint",
"usps_endorsement": "u",
"mi_label_cn22_indicator": "MILabelCN22Indicator",
"sub_classification": "co",
"cost_center": "laboris aliqua Duis deserunt u",
"cost_center_barcode_indicator": "CostCenterBarcodeIndicator",
"package_id": "ex officia non labor",
"package_id_barcode_indicator": "PackageIDBarcodeIndicator",
"irregular_indicator": "i",
"shipment_indication_type": [
"code": "Du",
"description": "e"
"mi_dual_return_shipment_key": "Lorem nostrud occaecat sunt magna",
"mi_dual_return_shipment_indicator": "MIDualReturnShipmentIndicator",
"rating_method_requested_indicator": "RatingMethodRequestedIndicator",
"tax_information_indicator": "TaxInformationIndicator",
"shipment_service_options": {
"saturday_delivery_indicator": "SaturdayDeliveryIndicator",
"saturday_pickup_indicator": "SaturdayPickupIndicator",
"cod": {
"cod_funds_code": "p",
"cod_amount": {
"currency_code": "et ",
"monetary_value": "cupid"
"access_point_cod": {
"currency_code": "est",
"monetary_value": "nostru"
"deliver_to_addressee_only_indicator": "DeliverToAddresseeOnlyIndicator",
"direct_delivery_only_indicator": "DirectDeliveryOnlyIndicator",
"notification": [
"notification_code": "n",
"e_mail": {
"e_mail_address": [
"sit consequat"
"undeliverable_e_mail_address": "nisi ",
"from_e_mail_address": "dolore do",
"from_name": "magna nostrud id cons",
"memo": "et voluptate cillum ut"
"voice_message": {
"phone_number": "incid"
"text_message": {
"phone_number": "consect"
"locale": {
"language": "ani",
"dialect": "cu"
"label_delivery": {
"e_mail": {
"e_mail_address": "aliqua aute irure ipsum",
"undeliverable_e_mail_address": "qui culpa",
"from_e_mail_address": "deserunt incididunt qui magna si",
"from_name": "ut consequat qui in repr",
"memo": "ut in ex",
"subject": "voluptate",
"subject_code": "do"
"label_links_indicator": "LabelLinksIndicator"
"international_forms": {
"form_type": [
"user_created_form": {
"document_id": [
"ups_premium_care_form": {
"shipment_date": "ShipmentDate",
"page_size": "al",
"print_type": "Ex",
"num_of_copies": "no",
"language_for_ups_premium_care": {
"language": [
"cn22_form": {
"label_size": "do",
"prints_per_page": "d",
"label_print_type": "co",
"cn22_type": "l",
"cn22_other_description": "cillum esse eiusmod ",
"fold_here_text": "adipisicing in magna ipsumminim inc",
"cn22_content": [
"cn22_content_quantity": "CN22ContentQuantity",
"cn22_content_description": "occaecat",
"cn22_content_weight": {
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "min",
"description": "laborum deserunt ut i"
"weight": "ad dolo"
"cn22_content_total_value": "ad Duisnu",
"cn22_content_currency_code": "rep",
"cn22_content_country_of_origin": "in",
"cn22_content_tariff_number": "irure fugiatindolore exercitation pariat"
"additional_document_indicator": "AdditionalDocumentIndicator",
"form_group_id_name": "occaecat velit ut",
"eei_filing_option": {
"code": "c",
"e_mail_address": "adipisicing u",
"description": "tempor dolor Duis ",
"ups_filed": {
"poa": {
"code": "e",
"description": "aliqua voluptate"
"shipper_filed": {
"code": "o",
"description": "sunt aliqua",
"pre_departure_itn_number": "ullamco aute mini",
"exemption_legend": "dolore ut aliquipqui",
"eei_shipment_reference_number": "Lorem ve"
"contacts": {
"forward_agent": {
"company_name": "eu est",
"tax_identification_number": "laboris aute s",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "elit consequat",
"state_province_code": "conse",
"town": "velit do",
"postal_code": "proident",
"country_code": "nu"
"ultimate_consignee": {
"company_name": "veniam enim ea",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "ut in",
"state_province_code": "sin",
"town": "exercit",
"postal_code": "cu",
"country_code": "in"
"ultimate_consignee_type": {
"code": "i",
"description": "dolor aliquip "
"intermediate_consignee": {
"company_name": "quis aliqua officia",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "sint ut laborum elit",
"state_province_code": "esse",
"town": "aute offic",
"postal_code": "veniam ",
"country_code": "ni"
"producer": {
"option": "al",
"company_name": "dolor ",
"tax_identification_number": "pari",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "ex irure in",
"state_province_code": "lab",
"town": "amet ci",
"postal_code": "eiusm",
"country_code": "no"
"attention_name": "in aliqua quis proident ",
"phone": {
"number": "minim",
"extension": "co"
"e_mail_address": "Lorem et quis"
"sold_to": {
"name": "id dolore voluptate et",
"attention_name": "et irure culpa ",
"tax_identification_number": "sunt",
"phone": {
"number": "adip",
"extension": "c"
"option": "al",
"address": {
"address_line": [
"city": "Ut dol",
"state_province_code": "do",
"town": "d",
"postal_code": "ut",
"country_code": "ma"
"e_mail_address": "ullamco sunt do culpa esse",
"account_number": "fugi"
"product": [
"description": [
"unit": {
"number": "do occ",
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "e",
"description": "dol"
"value": "labore"
"commodity_code": "do cillum",
"part_number": "la",
"origin_country_code": "nu",
"joint_production_indicator": "JointProductionIndicator",
"net_cost_code": "nu",
"net_cost_date_range": {
"begin_date": "nostrud ",
"end_date": "velit am"
"preference_criteria": "t",
"producer_info": "sit",
"marks_and_numbers": "dolore Except",
"number_of_packages_per_commodity": "al",
"product_weight": {
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "E",
"description": "in id occaecat"
"weight": "u"
"vehicle_id": "ad",
"schedule_b": {
"number": "dolore tem",
"quantity": [
"unit_of_measurement": [
"code": "ve",
"description": "eiusmod"
"export_type": "e",
"sed_total_value": "tempor",
"exclude_from_form": {
"form_type": [
"packing_list_info": {
"package_associated": [
"package_number": "PackageNumber",
"product_amount": "ProductAmount",
"product_note": "ProductNote"
"eei_information": {
"export_information": "ip",
"license": {
"number": "suntsunt",
"code": "eiu",
"license_line_value": "consec",
"eccn_number": "culpa"
"ddtc_information": {
"itar_exemption_number": "enim",
"usml_category_code": "ad",
"eligible_party_indicator": "EligiblePartyIndicator",
"registration_number": "et inc",
"quantity": "non mol",
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "Code",
"description": "Description"
"significant_military_equipment_indicator": "SignificantMilitaryEquipmentIndicator",
"acm_number": "aliqua repr"
"invoice_number": "non in nostrud qui",
"invoice_date": "in dolor",
"purchase_order_number": "ad",
"terms_of_shipment": "est",
"reason_for_export": "in nisi sunt volupt",
"comments": "elit",
"declaration_statement": "dolore ex",
"discount": {
"monetary_value": "laborum irure"
"freight_charges": {
"monetary_value": "ut culpa e"
"insurance_charges": {
"monetary_value": "tempor est"
"other_charges": {
"monetary_value": "ea cupidatat",
"description": "in"
"currency_code": "cup",
"blanket_period": {
"begin_date": "culpa te",
"end_date": "dolor ma"
"export_date": "non qui amet sint",
"exporting_carrier": "Excepteur",
"carrier_id": "eu",
"in_bond_code": "in",
"entry_number": "culpa enim ut",
"point_of_origin": "d",
"point_of_origin_type": "e",
"mode_of_transport": "adipisicing",
"port_of_export": "Ut sunt",
"port_of_unloading": "exercitat",
"loading_pier": "anim exercitation",
"parties_to_transaction": "v",
"routed_export_transaction_indicator": "RoutedExportTransactionIndicator",
"containerized_indicator": "ContainerizedIndicator",
"override_paperless_indicator": "OverridePaperlessIndicator",
"shipper_memo": "ut eu",
"hazardous_materials_indicator": "HazardousMaterialsIndicator"
"delivery_confirmation": {
"dcis_type": "v",
"dcis_number": "au"
"return_of_document_indicator": "ReturnOfDocumentIndicator",
"import_control_indicator": "ImportControlIndicator",
"label_method": {
"code": "co",
"description": "sint ullamco consectetur no"
"commercial_invoice_removal_indicator": "CommercialInvoiceRemovalIndicator",
"up_scarbonneutral_indicator": "UPScarbonneutralIndicator",
"pre_alert_notification": [
"e_mail_message": {
"e_mail_address": "in ",
"undeliverable_e_mail_address": "adipisi"
"voice_message": {
"phone_number": "reprehenderit l"
"text_message": {
"phone_number": "pariatur "
"locale": {
"language": "do",
"dialect": "co"
"exchange_forward_indicator": "ExchangeForwardIndicator",
"hold_for_pickup_indicator": "HoldForPickupIndicator",
"dropoff_at_ups_facility_indicator": "DropoffAtUPSFacilityIndicator",
"lift_gate_for_pick_up_indicator": "LiftGateForPickUpIndicator",
"lift_gate_for_delivery_indicator": "LiftGateForDeliveryIndicator",
"sdl_shipment_indicator": "SDLShipmentIndicator",
"epra_release_code": "magna",
"restricted_articles": {
"diagnostic_specimens_indicator": "DiagnosticSpecimensIndicator",
"alcoholic_beverages_indicator": "AlcoholicBeveragesIndicator",
"perishables_indicator": "PerishablesIndicator",
"plants_indicator": "PlantsIndicator",
"seeds_indicator": "SeedsIndicator",
"special_exceptions_indicator": "SpecialExceptionsIndicator",
"tobacco_indicator": "TobaccoIndicator"
"inside_delivery": "et",
"item_disposal": "ItemDisposal"
"locale": "amet ",
"shipment_value_threshold_code": "en",
"master_carton_id": "id",
"master_carton_indicator": "MasterCartonIndicator",
"shipment_date": "mollit s",
"package": [
"description": "voluptate reprehenderit",
"pallet_description": "dolore Lorem cillum officia dolore",
"num_of_pieces": "d",
"unit_price": "nul",
"packaging": {
"code": "al",
"description": "sit magna"
"dimensions": {
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "su",
"description": "fugiat dolore o"
"length": "nis",
"width": "n",
"height": "in "
"dim_weight": {
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "Exc",
"description": "id ex dolor pariatur eiusmod"
"weight": "dolor "
"package_weight": {
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "e",
"description": "laboris sint ali"
"weight": "i"
"large_package_indicator": "LargePackageIndicator",
"oversize_indicator": "OversizeIndicator",
"minimum_billable_weight_indicator": "MinimumBillableWeightIndicator",
"reference_number": [
"bar_code_indicator": "BarCodeIndicator",
"code": "in",
"value": "de"
"additional_handling_indicator": "AdditionalHandlingIndicator",
"simple_rate": {
"code": "ci",
"description": "in Ut est"
"ups_premier": {
"category": "nu",
"sensor_id": "tempor",
"handling_instructions": {
"instruction": "nul"
"package_service_options": {
"delivery_confirmation": {
"dcis_type": "l",
"dcis_number": "dolore pa"
"declared_value": {
"type_": {
"code": "Du",
"description": "Duis"
"currency_code": "cup",
"monetary_value": "in pariat"
"cod": {
"cod_funds_code": "a",
"cod_amount": {
"currency_code": "dol",
"monetary_value": "amet "
"access_point_cod": {
"currency_code": "vel",
"monetary_value": "ad"
"shipper_release_indicator": "ShipperReleaseIndicator",
"notification": {
"notification_code": "l",
"e_mail": {
"subject": "sed aliquip",
"subject_code": "n",
"e_mail_address": [
"exercitation culpa cillum "
"undeliverable_e_mail_address": "ea off",
"from_e_mail_address": "adipisicing anim D",
"from_name": "in",
"memo": "adipisicing ullamco eiusmod"
"haz_mat": [
"packaging_type_quantity": "aut",
"record_identifier1": "RecordIdentifier1",
"record_identifier2": "RecordIdentifier2",
"record_identifier3": "RecordIdentifier3",
"sub_risk_class": "deserun",
"a_dr_item_number": "ea minim s",
"a_dr_packing_group_letter": "r",
"technical_name": "exercitation sintanim nostrud ex est reprehenderitExcepteur nonexercitation proident qui occaecat nonnulla eu qui culpa magnaculpaest ullamco velit eiusmodLorem ut exquis dolore sint et fugiatnon sint",
"hazard_label_required": "eiusmod et officianulla dolor amet irurevoluptateq",
"class_division_number": "null",
"reference_number": "deserunt e",
"quantity": "est",
"uom": "id",
"packaging_type": "nulla amet do",
"id_number": "cill",
"proper_shipping_name": "adipisicing cupidatat aliqua",
"additional_description": "exercitation",
"packaging_group_type": "no",
"packaging_instruction_code": "el",
"emergency_phone": "dolor velit",
"emergency_contact": "ad irure",
"reportable_quantity": "L",
"regulation_set": "qui ",
"transportation_mode": "enim",
"commodity_regulated_level_code": "do",
"transport_category": "m",
"tunnel_restriction_code": "commo",
"chemical_record_identifier": "con",
"local_technical_name": "commodo ad labore ullamco Lorem",
"local_proper_shipping_name": "anim consequat"
"dry_ice": {
"regulation_set": "Ut ",
"dry_ice_weight": {
"unit_of_measurement": {
"code": "Code",
"description": "Description"
"weight": "Weight"
"medical_use_indicator": "MedicalUseIndicator"
"ups_premium_care_indicator": "UPSPremiumCareIndicator",
"proactive_indicator": "ProactiveIndicator",
"package_identifier": "se",
"clinical_trials_id": "irureDuis in dolored",
"refrigeration_indicator": "RefrigerationIndicator"
"commodity": {
"freight_class": "enim offic",
"nmfc": {
"prime_code": "et e",
"sub_code": "mi"
"haz_mat_package_information": {
"all_packed_in_one_indicator": "AllPackedInOneIndicator",
"over_packed_indicator": "OverPackedIndicator",
"q_value": "qui",
"outer_packaging_type": "ex"
"label_specification": {
"label_image_format": {
"code": "ulla",
"description": "ullamco voluptate in"
"http_user_agent": "proident nisi et exercitation",
"label_stock_size": {
"height": "e",
"width": "o"
"instruction": [
"code": "Ex",
"description": "en"
"character_set": "con"
"receipt_specification": {
"image_format": {
"code": "cup",
"description": "veniam ea nulla"
result = sdk.shipments.shipment(
The Void Shipping API is used to cancel the previously scheduled shipment
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
version | str | ✅ | API Version Valid values: - v2403 |
shipmentidentificationnumber | str | ✅ | The shipment's identification number Alpha-numeric. Must pass 1Z rules. Must be upper case. Length 18 |
trackingnumber | str | ❌ | The package's tracking number. You may have up to 20 different tracking numbers listed. If more than one tracking number, pass this value as: trackingnumber= ["1ZISUS010330563105","1ZISUS01033056310 8"] with a coma separating each number. Alpha-numeric. Must pass 1Z rules. Must be upper case. Length 18 |
trans_id | str | ❌ | An identifier unique to the request. Length 32 |
transaction_src | str | ❌ | An identifier of the client/source application that is making the request.Length 512 |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
from ups_shipping import UpsShipping, Environment
sdk = UpsShipping(
result = sdk.shipments.void_shipment(
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