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A list of all methods in the PosoffersService service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.

PosOffer_GetAllPosOffersByKeyGet all POS offers for a contact. Expired, redeemed and available. Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.
PosOffer_GetAvailablePosOffersByKeyGet all available POS offers for a contact. Expired and redeemed offers are excluded. Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.
PosOffer_GetAllPosOffersByContactTypeAndKeyGet all POS offers for a contact. Expired, redeemed and available. Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.
PosOffer_GetAvailablePosOffersByContactTypeAndKeyGet all available POS offers for a contact. Expired and redeemed offers are excluded. Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.
PosOffer_GetAllPosOffersForContactGet all POS offers for a contact. Expired, redeemed and available. The result can be paginated, using the offset and count query parameters. Note: expiresOn is obsolete and is always null
PosOffer_GetAvailablePosOffersForContactGet all available POS offers for a contact. Expired and redeemed offers are excluded. The result can be paginated, using the offset and count query parameters.
PosOffer_RedeemRedeems a POS offer for a Contact using the internal Contact Id
PosOffer_RedeemByKeyRedeems a POS offer for a Contact using the key for the contact type Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.
PosOffer_RedeemByContactTypeAndKeyRedeems a POS offer for a Contact using the key for the contact type Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.


Get all POS offers for a contact. Expired, redeemed and available. Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/bykey/{keyValue}/posoffers/all


keyValuestringKey value, e.g. ssn, externalId, memberNumber, phone number etc.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferGetAllPosOffersByKey('keyValue');



Get all available POS offers for a contact. Expired and redeemed offers are excluded. Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/bykey/{keyValue}/posoffers/available


keyValuestringKey value, e.g. ssn, externalId, memberNumber, phone number etc.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferGetAvailablePosOffersByKey('keyValue');



Get all POS offers for a contact. Expired, redeemed and available. Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/{contactType}/bykey/{keyValue}/posoffers/all


keyValuestringKey value, e.g. ssn, externalId, memberNumber, phone number etc.
contactTypestringContact type, e.g. "member".

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferGetAllPosOffersByContactTypeAndKey('keyValue', 'contactType');



Get all available POS offers for a contact. Expired and redeemed offers are excluded. Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/{contactType}/bykey/{keyValue}/posoffers/available


keyValuestringKey value, e.g. ssn, externalId, memberNumber, phone number etc.
contactTypestringContact type, e.g. "member".

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferGetAvailablePosOffersByContactTypeAndKey(



Get all POS offers for a contact. Expired, redeemed and available. The result can be paginated, using the offset and count query parameters. Note: expiresOn is obsolete and is always null

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/{contactId}/posoffers/all


contactIdstringContact identifier (GUID).
offsetnumberThe first item to retrieve. (Default value 0)
countnumberThe max number of items to retrieve. (Default value 100)

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferGetAllPosOffersForContact('contactId', {
offset: 9,
count: 10,



Get all available POS offers for a contact. Expired and redeemed offers are excluded. The result can be paginated, using the offset and count query parameters.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/{contactId}/posoffers/available


contactIdstringContact identifier (GUID).
offsetnumberThe first item to retrieve. (Default value 0)
countnumberThe max number of items to retrieve. (Default value 100)

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferGetAvailablePosOffersForContact('contactId', {
offset: 1,
count: 123,



Redeems a POS offer for a Contact using the internal Contact Id

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/{contactId}/posoffers/{id}/redeem


idstringThe id returned from the get operation (GUID)
contactIdstringContact identifier (GUID).

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferRedeem('id', 'contactId');



Redeems a POS offer for a Contact using the key for the contact type Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/bykey/{keyValue}/posoffers/{id}/redeem


idstringThe id returned from the get operation (GUID)
keyValuestringKey value, e.g. ssn, externalId, memberNumber, phone number etc.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferRedeemByKey('id', 'keyValue');



Redeems a POS offer for a Contact using the key for the contact type Finds the contact by using a key value other than Contact Id. This can only be used for contact types with exactly ONE key. The contact key attribute is configured for each Voyado instance.

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /api/v2/contacts/{contactType}/bykey/{keyValue}/posoffers/{id}/redeem


idstringThe id returned from the get operation (GUID)
keyValuestringKey value, e.g. ssn, externalId, memberNumber, phone number etc.
contactTypestringContact type, e.g. "member" or "contact".

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { VoyadoEngage } from 'voyado_engage';

(async () => {
const voyadoEngage = new VoyadoEngage({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await voyadoEngage.posoffers.posOfferRedeemByContactTypeAndKey('id', 'keyValue', 'contactType');


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