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A list of all methods in the FeaturesService service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.

read_extension_featuresReturns a list of supported features and the information on their availability for the current extension. Particular feature(s) can be checked by providing featureId query parameter. Multiple values are supported in the format: ?featureId=Feature1&featureId=Feature2. To get only available features in order to decrease response size, availableOnly=true query param can be specified. If a feature is available for the current user, "available": true is returned in response for the record with the corresponding feature ID. Otherwise, the additional attribute reason is returned with the appropriate code: - ServicePlanLimitation - a feature is not included in account service plan; - AccountLimitation - a feature is turned off for account; - ExtensionTypeLimitation - a feature is not applicable for extension type; - ExtensionLimitation - a feature is not available for extension, e.g., additional license required; - InsufficientPermissions - required permission is not granted to the current user (not the one, who is specified in the URL, but the one who is calling this API); - ConfigurationLimitation - a feature is turned off for extension, e.g., by account administrator. Also, some features may have additional parameters, e.g. limits, which are returned in params attribute as a name-value collection: { "id": "HUD", "available": true, "params": [ { "name": "limitMax", "value": "100" } ] }


Returns a list of supported features and the information on their availability for the current extension. Particular feature(s) can be checked by providing featureId query parameter. Multiple values are supported in the format: ?featureId=Feature1&featureId=Feature2. To get only available features in order to decrease response size, availableOnly=true query param can be specified. If a feature is available for the current user, "available": true is returned in response for the record with the corresponding feature ID. Otherwise, the additional attribute reason is returned with the appropriate code: - ServicePlanLimitation - a feature is not included in account service plan; - AccountLimitation - a feature is turned off for account; - ExtensionTypeLimitation - a feature is not applicable for extension type; - ExtensionLimitation - a feature is not available for extension, e.g., additional license required; - InsufficientPermissions - required permission is not granted to the current user (not the one, who is specified in the URL, but the one who is calling this API); - ConfigurationLimitation - a feature is turned off for extension, e.g., by account administrator. Also, some features may have additional parameters, e.g. limits, which are returned in params attribute as a name-value collection: { "id": "HUD", "available": true, "params": [ { "name": "limitMax", "value": "100" } ] }

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/features


account_idstrInternal identifier of the RingCentral account (can be set to "~" to indicate that the account associated with current authorization session should be used)
extension_idstrInternal identifier of the RingCentral extension/user (can be set to "~" to indicate that the extension associated with current authorization session should be used)
available_onlyboolAllows to filter features by availability for an extension
feature_idList[str]Internal identifier(s) of the feature(s)

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

from ring_central import RingCentral, Environment

sdk = RingCentral(

result = sdk.features.read_extension_features(


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