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Applicable for request option 64 only. This contains inclusion and exclusion criteria for address search. It also contains Account Number and Access Point Public ID search elements.


publicAccessPointIdstringThe Public Access Point ID to use for UPS Access Point Search. Once this parameter is present , address or geocode search is ignored. It cannot be combined with AccountNumber search parameter.
accessPointStatusstringStatus of UPS Access Point. Valid values are: 01-Active-available 07-Active-unavailable.
accountNumberstringThe account number to use for UPS Access Point Search in the country or territory. Used to locate a private network for the account. Once this parameter is present any access point address or geocode search is ignored. It cannot be combined with PublicAccessPointID search parameter.
includeCriteriaAccessPointSearchIncludeCriteriaThis contains elements to refine (include) UPS Access point address or geocode Search.
excludeFromResultAccessPointSearchExcludeFromResultThis contains elements to exclude from UPS Access Point address or geocode search.
exactMatchIndicatorstringPresence of this tag represents that "AccessPointSearchByAddress" service is requested. The value of this tag is ignored.
existIndicatorstringPresence of this tag represents that "AccessPointAvailability" service is requested. The value of this tag is ignored.

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