Applicable for request option 64 only. This contains inclusion and exclusion criteria for address search. It also contains Account Number and Access Point Public ID search elements.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
publicAccessPointId | string | ❌ | The Public Access Point ID to use for UPS Access Point Search. Once this parameter is present , address or geocode search is ignored. It cannot be combined with AccountNumber search parameter. |
accessPointStatus | string | ❌ | Status of UPS Access Point. Valid values are: 01-Active-available 07-Active-unavailable. |
accountNumber | string | ❌ | The account number to use for UPS Access Point Search in the country or territory. Used to locate a private network for the account. Once this parameter is present any access point address or geocode search is ignored. It cannot be combined with PublicAccessPointID search parameter. |
includeCriteria | AccessPointSearchIncludeCriteria | ❌ | This contains elements to refine (include) UPS Access point address or geocode Search. |
excludeFromResult | AccessPointSearchExcludeFromResult | ❌ | This contains elements to exclude from UPS Access Point address or geocode search. |
exactMatchIndicator | string | ❌ | Presence of this tag represents that "AccessPointSearchByAddress" service is requested. The value of this tag is ignored. |
existIndicator | string | ❌ | Presence of this tag represents that "AccessPointAvailability" service is requested. The value of this tag is ignored. |
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