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daystringDay of week. Valid values: 1-Sunday 2-Monday 3-Tuesday 4-Wednesday 5-Thursday 6-Friday 7-Saturday.
openHoursstringOpen time of a location in military format (HHMM) e.g. 930, 1700, 1845 etc. with exception for midnight. For midnight the time will be returned as 0.
closeHoursstringClose time of a location in military format (HHMM) e.g. 930, 1700, 1845 etc. with exception for midnight. For midnight the time will be returned as 0.
latestDropOffHoursstringLatestDropOffHours for Hour Type 50. Latest Drop Off time of a location in military format (HHMM) e.g. 930, 1700, 1845 etc. with exception for midnight. For midnight the time will be returned as 0.
prepHoursstringPrepHours for Hour Type 51. Prep Hours of a location in military format (HHMM) e.g. 930, 1700, 1845 etc. with exception for midnight. For midnight the time will be returned as 0.
closedIndicatorstringPresence absence Indicator. Indicator present means location is closed.
open24HoursIndicatorstringPresence/ Absence Indicator. Presence denotes for the given day, if the location is open 24 hours. Absence denotes the location is not open for 24 hours on the given day.

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