Name | Type | Required | Description |
day | string | ✅ | Day of week. Valid values: 1-Sunday 2-Monday 3-Tuesday 4-Wednesday 5-Thursday 6-Friday 7-Saturday. |
openHours | string | ❌ | Open time of a location in military format (HHMM) e.g. 930, 1700, 1845 etc. with exception for midnight. For midnight the time will be returned as 0. |
closeHours | string | ❌ | Close time of a location in military format (HHMM) e.g. 930, 1700, 1845 etc. with exception for midnight. For midnight the time will be returned as 0. |
latestDropOffHours | string | ❌ | LatestDropOffHours for Hour Type 50. Latest Drop Off time of a location in military format (HHMM) e.g. 930, 1700, 1845 etc. with exception for midnight. For midnight the time will be returned as 0. |
prepHours | string | ❌ | PrepHours for Hour Type 51. Prep Hours of a location in military format (HHMM) e.g. 930, 1700, 1845 etc. with exception for midnight. For midnight the time will be returned as 0. |
closedIndicator | string | ❌ | Presence absence Indicator. Indicator present means location is closed. |
open24HoursIndicator | string | ❌ | Presence/ Absence Indicator. Presence denotes for the given day, if the location is open 24 hours. Absence denotes the location is not open for 24 hours on the given day. |
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