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Address information of the Intermediate Consignee. Applicable for EEI form only.


address_lineList[str]Address line of the Intermediate Consignee. Applicable for EEI form only.
citystrCity of the Intermediate Consignee. Applicable for EEI form only.
country_codestrCountry or Territory code of the Intermediate Consignee. Applicable for EEI form only.
state_province_codestrState of the Intermediate Consignee. Applicable for EEI form only. Required for certain countries or territories.
townstrTown of the Intermediate consignee. Applicable for EEI form only.
postal_codestrPostal code of the Intermediate Consignee. Applicable for EEI form only. Required for certain countries or territories. The length of the postal code depends on the country or territory code.

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