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Shipment charges Container. Shipment charges info.


transportation_chargesShipmentChargesTransportationChargesTransportation Charges container.
service_options_chargesShipmentChargesServiceOptionsChargesService Option Charges container.
total_chargesShipmentChargesTotalChargesTotal charges container.
rate_chartstrRate Type with which Shipment is rated. Possible RateChart values for different regions will be: US 48 origin: - 1 – Daily Rates - 3 – Standard List Rates - 4 – Retail Rates. Alaska/Hawaii origin: - 1 – Daily Rates - 3 – Standard List Rates - 4 – Retail Rates. All Other origins: - 1 – Rates - 5 - Regional Rates - 6 - General List Rates. 3 and 4 do not apply.
base_service_chargeShipmentChargesBaseServiceChargeBase Service Charge container. Transportation charge = BaseServiceCharge + Fuel charge Returned only if Subversion >=1701.
itemized_chargesList[ShipmentChargesItemizedCharges]Itemized Charges are returned only when the Subversion element is present and greater than or equal to 1601. NOTE: For versions >= v2403, this element will always be returned as an array. For requests using versions < v2403, this element will be returned as an array if there is more than one object and a single object if there is only 1.
tax_chargesList[ShipmentChargesTaxCharges]TaxCharges container are returned only when TaxInformationIndicator is present in request and when Negotiated Rates are not applicable. TaxCharges container contains Tax information for a given shipment. NOTE: For versions >= v2403, this element will always be returned as an array. For requests using versions < v2403, this element will be returned as an array if there is more than one object and a single object if there is only 1.
total_charges_with_taxesShipmentChargesTotalChargesWithTaxesTotalChargesWithTaxes container would be returned only if TaxInformationIndicator is present in request and when Negotiated Rates are not applicable. TotalChargesWithTaxes contains total charges including total taxes applied to a shipment.

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