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Statistics for a map


ctPistolRoundTotalPlayednumberNumber of pistol rounds played as Counter-Terrorists on this map
ctPistolRoundWinsnumberNumber of pistol rounds won as Counter-Terrorists on this map
ctRoundTotalPlayednumberNumber of rounds played as Counter-Terrorists on this map
ctRoundWinsnumberNumber of rounds won as Counter-Terrorists on this map
idnumberThe ID of the map.
imageUrlstringA URL to the image of the map.
lossesnumberNumber of team losses on this map
namestringThe name of the map.
pistolRoundTotalPlayednumberNumber of pistol rounds played on this map
roundTotalPlayednumberNumber of rounds played on this map
slugstringHuman-readable identifier of the map
tPistolRoundTotalPlayednumberNumber of pistol rounds played as Terrorists on this map
tPistolRoundWinsnumberNumber of pistol rounds won as Terrorists on this map
tRoundTotalPlayednumberNumber of rounds played as Terrorists on this map
tRoundWinsnumberNumber of rounds won as Terrorists on this map
totalPlayednumberNumber of times the team played on this map
winsnumberNumber of team wins on this map

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