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activebooleanWhether player is active
agenumberAge of the player, null if unknown. When birthday is null, age is an approxiamation. Read more about players' age
Note: This field is only present for users running the Historical plan or above.
assistsnumberNumber of player's assists
averageCombatScorenumberAverage combat score (ACS) of the player
averageDamagePerRoundnumberAverage damage per round (ADR) of the player
averageEconomyScorenumberAverage economy score (ECS) of the player
birthdaystringBirth day of the player, YYYY-MM-DD format. null if unknown.
Note: This field is only present for users running the Historical plan or above.
clutchWinsValorantPlayerClutchWinsRound wins when the player was the last team member alive
deathsnumberNumber of player's death
defusedSpikesnumberNumber of spikes defused by the player
firstDeathsnumberNumber of rounds where the player died first
firstKillsnumberNumber of rounds where the player did the first kill
firstNamestringFirst name of the player. null if unknown
headshotPercentagenumberPercentage of headshots within the player's shots
idnumberID of the player
imageUrlstringURL to the photo of the player. null if not available.
killDeathDifferencenumberDifference between the player's number of kills and number of death (kills - deaths)
killsnumberNumber of player's kills
killsPerDeathnumberRatio of player's kills per deaths (kills / deaths)
lastNamestringLast name of the player. null if unknown
namestringProfessional name of the player
nationalitystringCountry code matching the nationality of the player according to the ISO 3166-1 standard (Alpha-2 code).
In addition to the standard, the XK code is used for Kosovo.
null if unknown
plantedSpikesnumberNumber of spikes planted by the player
rolestringRole/position of the player. Field value varies depending on the video game.null if unknown.
Note: role is only available for DotA 2, League of Legends, and Overwatch players.
null for other video games.
slugstringUnique, human-readable identifier for the player.
id and slug can be used interchangeably throughout the API.
streaksValorantPlayerStreaksStreaks done by the player (in a given round)

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