Name | Type | Required | Description |
Status | PlaceParlayBetResponseStatus | ❌ | Status of the response. |
ErrorCode | PlaceParlayBetResponseErrorCode | ❌ | When Status is PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR, provides a code indicating the specific problem. ABOVE_MAX_BET_AMOUNT = Stake is above allowed maximum amount, ALL_BETTING_CLOSED = Betting is not allowed at this moment, BELOW_MIN_BET_AMOUNT = Stake is below allowed minimum amount, BLOCKED_BETTING = Betting is suspended for the client, BLOCKED_CLIENT = Client is no longer active, INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = Bet is submitted by a client with insufficient funds, INVALID_COUNTRY = Client country is not allowed for betting, INVALID_LEGS = One or more legs are invalid, INVALID_ODDS_FORMAT = If a bet was submitted with the odds format that is not allowed for the client, INVALID_ROUND_ROBIN_OPTIONS = Round robin options are invalid (i.e. does not match with number of legs), ROUND_ROBIN_DISALLOWED = Round robin is disallowed for one of the leagues, TOO_MANY_LEGS = Maximum of 10 legs can be specified, TOO_FEW_LEGS = At least 2 legs are required for Parlay, RESPONSIBLE_BETTING_LOSS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = Client has reached his total loss limit, RESPONSIBLE_BETTING_RISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = Client has reached his total risk limit, INVALID_REQUEST = Request has invalid parameters, DUPLICATED_REQUEST = Request with the same uniqueRequestId was already processed. Please set the new value if you still want the request to be processed, SYSTEM_ERROR_3 = Unexpected error |
BetId | long | ❌ | Id of a newly created bet. |
UniqueRequestId | string | ❌ | Unique identifier provided in the request. |
RoundRobinOptionWithOdds | List<RoundRobinOptionWithOdds> | ❌ | Provides array with all acceptable Round Robin options with parlay odds for that option. |
MaxRiskStake | double | ❌ | Maximum stake amount |
MinRiskStake | double | ❌ | Minimum stake amount |
ValidLegs | List<ParlayLegResponse> | ❌ | Collection of valid legs (format described below). Can be empty if no valid legs found. |
InvalidLegs | List<ParlayLegResponse> | ❌ | The collection of legs that resulted in error (format described below). Can be empty if no invalid legs found. |
Status of the response.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Accepted | string | ✅ | "ACCEPTED" |
ProcessedWithError | string | ✅ | "PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR" |
When Status is PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR, provides a code indicating the specific problem. ABOVE_MAX_BET_AMOUNT = Stake is above allowed maximum amount, ALL_BETTING_CLOSED = Betting is not allowed at this moment, BELOW_MIN_BET_AMOUNT = Stake is below allowed minimum amount, BLOCKED_BETTING = Betting is suspended for the client, BLOCKED_CLIENT = Client is no longer active, INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = Bet is submitted by a client with insufficient funds, INVALID_COUNTRY = Client country is not allowed for betting, INVALID_LEGS = One or more legs are invalid, INVALID_ODDS_FORMAT = If a bet was submitted with the odds format that is not allowed for the client, INVALID_ROUND_ROBIN_OPTIONS = Round robin options are invalid (i.e. does not match with number of legs), ROUND_ROBIN_DISALLOWED = Round robin is disallowed for one of the leagues, TOO_MANY_LEGS = Maximum of 10 legs can be specified, TOO_FEW_LEGS = At least 2 legs are required for Parlay, RESPONSIBLE_BETTING_LOSS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = Client has reached his total loss limit, RESPONSIBLE_BETTING_RISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = Client has reached his total risk limit, INVALID_REQUEST = Request has invalid parameters, DUPLICATED_REQUEST = Request with the same uniqueRequestId was already processed. Please set the new value if you still want the request to be processed, SYSTEM_ERROR_3 = Unexpected error
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AboveMaxBetAmount | string | ✅ | "ABOVE_MAX_BET_AMOUNT" |
AllBettingClosed | string | ✅ | "ALL_BETTING_CLOSED" |
BelowMinBetAmount | string | ✅ | "BELOW_MIN_BET_AMOUNT" |
BlockedBetting | string | ✅ | "BLOCKED_BETTING" |
BlockedClient | string | ✅ | "BLOCKED_CLIENT" |
InsufficientFunds | string | ✅ | "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS" |
InvalidCountry | string | ✅ | "INVALID_COUNTRY" |
InvalidLegs | string | ✅ | "INVALID_LEGS" |
InvalidOddsFormat | string | ✅ | "INVALID_ODDS_FORMAT" |
InvalidRoundRobinOptions | string | ✅ | "INVALID_ROUND_ROBIN_OPTIONS" |
RoundRobinDisallowed | string | ✅ | "ROUND_ROBIN_DISALLOWED" |
TooManyLegs | string | ✅ | "TOO_MANY_LEGS" |
TooFewLegs | string | ✅ | "TOO_FEW_LEGS" |
ResponsibleBettingRiskLimitExceeded | string | ✅ | "RESPONSIBLE_BETTING_RISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" |
ResponsibleBettingLossLimitExceeded | string | ✅ | "RESPONSIBLE_BETTING_LOSS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" |
InvalidRequest | string | ✅ | "INVALID_REQUEST" |
DuplicatedRequest | string | ✅ | "DUPLICATED_REQUEST" |
SystemError3 | string | ✅ | "SYSTEM_ERROR_3" |
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