The root element for the Landed Cost document.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
currency_code | str | ✅ | Specifies the currency of transaction or purchase. |
trans_id | str | ✅ | Unique transaction ID for the request. |
alversion | int | ✅ | Version number of the instance that processed this request. This must match the major number of the corresponding ICD version. |
shipment | LandedCostRequestShipment | ✅ | Every Landed Cost request must be based on a shipment. |
allow_partial_landed_cost_result | bool | ❌ | An optional flag to indicate that partial landed cost calculations are acceptable to be used by upstream systems. When set to false, the system will return an error when at least one commodity in the shipment is invalid (all or none), and no results will be sent back for that request. When set to true, the system will return partial calculations when applicable. Valid values: true = Partial Landed Cost result will return. false = All or No result will return (default). |
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