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shipmentShipmentEvery Landed Cost response must be based on a shipment.


Every Landed Cost response must be based on a shipment.


currency_codestrSpecifies the Currency Code set at the commodity level. This currency is applicable for all duty, tax, VAT, and fee at the shipment and commodity level.
import_country_codestrSpecifies the Import/Ship-To/Destination/Final country of the shipment. Please check country list in the Appendices section.
id_strSpecifies the Shipment ID in the Landed Cost quote.
brokerage_fee_itemsList[BrokerageFeeItems]An array of Brokerage fees.
total_brokerage_feesfloatGrand total of all applicable Brokerage fees.
total_dutiesfloatTotal duty amount of this shipment.
total_commodity_level_taxes_and_feesfloatTotal tax and other fees at commodity level.
total_shipment_level_taxes_and_feesfloatTotal tax and other fees at shipment level.
total_vatfloatTotal VAT of the shipment.
total_duty_and_taxfloatGrand total of the combined duty, VAT, tax, and other fees of all commodities in this shipment including shipment level taxes and fees.
grand_totalfloatSum of totalDutyAndTax + totalBrokerageFees
shipment_itemsList[ResponseShipmentItems]An array of Landed Cost for all valid commodities.
trans_idstrAn identifier unique to the request.
perf_statsPerfStatsSee ALPerfStats
al_versionintVersion number of the instance that processed this request. Default is 1.
errorsErrorsError code and description


See ALPerfStats


abs_layer_timestrTime taken through the abstraction layer in milliseconds.
fulfill_timestrTime taken to complete the request.
receipt_timestrTime taken to receive the request.

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