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Every Landed Cost request must be based on a shipment.


id_strSpecifies the Shipment ID in the Landed Cost quote. It is an arbitrary string provided by the user of the API and will be returned with the Landed Cost Quote to indicate which shipment the tariffs apply to. There are similar IDs associated with the Product and Order objects.
import_country_codestrSpecifies the Import/Ship-To/Destination/Final country of the shipment. Please check country list in the Appendix.
export_country_codestrSpecifies the export/ship-from/origin country of the shipment. Please check country List in the Appendix section. Note: Export country code must be different from the import country code.
shipment_itemsList[RequestShipmentItems]Array of shipment item objects (commodities), that are in a shipment.
import_provincestrProvince/State is supported only for a few countries such as Mexico, Canada, etc. Please check Province list in the Appendix
ship_datestrDefaults to current date if not provided. Date format: YYYY-MM-DD.
incotermsstrSupported Incoterm Values: 1. CFR - Cost & Freight 2. CIF - Cost, Insurance & Freight 3. CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid-To 4. CPT - Carriage Paid-To 5. DAP - Delivered At Place 6. DAT - Delivered At Terminal 7. DDP - Delivered Duty Paid 8. DPU - Delivered at Place Unloaded 9. EXW - Ex Works 10. FAS - Free Alongside Ship 11. FCA - Free Carrier 12. FOB - Free On Board (Default)
trans_modesstrThe modes of transportation (in upper case). Supported Values: 1. INT_AIR 2. INT_OCEAN 3. INT_RAIL 4. INT_TRUCK 5. DOM_AIR 6. DOM_OCEAN 7. DOM_RAIL 8. DOM_TRUCK Default value will vary based on the import country.
transport_costfloatSpecifies the Freight charge or transport costs, which are used for tariff calculations. Landed cost result might have some dependency on the freight charges in some countries. Therefore, freight amount should be always provided for accurate Landed Cost result. Allowed values: 1. Any non-negative floating-point number. 2. Numeric value with optional decimal value.
shipment_typestrSpecifies the shipment type such as Gift, Document, Commercial (Sale), etc. Supported Shipment Types: 1. GIFT 2. COMMERCIAL 3. SALE 4. SAMPLE 5. REPAIR 6. RETURN 7. OTHER Default value will vary and based on import country.

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