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A list of all methods in the Dota2TeamsService service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.

get_dota2_series_serieIdOrSlug_teamsList teams for the Dota 2 videogame for a given serie
get_dota2_teamsList teams for the Dota 2 videogame


List teams for the Dota 2 videogame for a given serie

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /dota2/series/{serie_id_or_slug}/teams


serieIdOrSlugSerieIdOrSlugA serie ID or slug
filterFilterOverDota2TeamsOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverDota2TeamsOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverDota2TeamsOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverDota2Teams, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverDota2Teams, SearchOverDota2Teams, SerieIdOrSlug, VideogameId } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'});

const serieIdOrSlug = 10;
const videogameId = VideogameId._1;

const filterOverDota2Teams: FilterOverDota2Teams = {
acronym: ["molli"],
id: [3],
location: ["qui dolore"],
modifiedAt: ["id"],
name: ["commodo ex"],
slug: ["8h6y1-yo"],
videogameId: [videogameId]

const rangeOverDota2Teams: RangeOverDota2Teams = {
acronym: ["ut vel"],
id: [10],
location: ["ut minim"],
modifiedAt: ["veniam mo"],
name: ["idelit exercita"],
slug: ["psh"]

const searchOverDota2Teams: SearchOverDota2Teams = {
acronym: "ullamco",
location: "in ex",
name: "mollit co",
slug: "7oiow"
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.dota2Teams.getDota2SeriesSerieIdOrSlugTeams(
filter: filterOverDota2Teams,
range: rangeOverDota2Teams,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverDota2Teams,
page: page,
perPage: 50,



List teams for the Dota 2 videogame

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /dota2/teams


filterFilterOverDota2TeamsOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverDota2TeamsOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverDota2TeamsOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import {
} from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const videogameId = VideogameId._1;

const filterOverDota2Teams: FilterOverDota2Teams = {
acronym: ['molli'],
id: [3],
location: ['qui dolore'],
modifiedAt: ['id'],
name: ['commodo ex'],
slug: ['8h6y1-yo'],
videogameId: [videogameId],

const rangeOverDota2Teams: RangeOverDota2Teams = {
acronym: ['ut vel'],
id: [10],
location: ['ut minim'],
modifiedAt: ['veniam mo'],
name: ['idelit exercita'],
slug: ['psh'],

const searchOverDota2Teams: SearchOverDota2Teams = {
acronym: 'ullamco',
location: 'in ex',
name: 'mollit co',
slug: '7oiow',
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.dota2Teams.getDota2Teams({
filter: filterOverDota2Teams,
range: rangeOverDota2Teams,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverDota2Teams,
page: page,
perPage: 50,


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