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A list of all methods in the IncidentsService service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.

get_additionsGet the latest additions.

This endpoint only shows unchanged objects.
get_changesGet the latest updates.

This endpoint only provides the latest change for an object. It does not keep track of previous changes.
get_deletionsGet the latest deleted documents
get_incidentsGet the latest updates and additions.

This endpoint only provides the latest incident for an object. It does not keep track of previous incidents.


Get the latest additions.

This endpoint only shows unchanged objects.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /additions


filterFilterOverAdditionIncidentsOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverAdditionIncidentsOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]
typeany[]Filter by result type(s)
sincestringFilter out older results
videogameVideogameIdOrSlug[]Filter by videogame(s)

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverAdditionIncidents, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverAdditionIncidents } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const incidentId = 9;

const filterOverAdditionIncidents: FilterOverAdditionIncidents = {
id: [incidentId],
modifiedAt: ['labore nul'],
opponentsFilled: true,
const incidentId1 = 9;

const rangeOverAdditionIncidents: RangeOverAdditionIncidents = {
id: [incidentId1],
modifiedAt: ['id a'],
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.incidents.getAdditions({
filter: filterOverAdditionIncidents,
range: rangeOverAdditionIncidents,
sort: [[]],
page: page,
perPage: 50,
type: [[]],
since: 'mollit magna no',
videogame: [videogameIdOrSlug],



Get the latest updates.

This endpoint only provides the latest change for an object. It does not keep track of previous changes.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /changes


filterFilterOverChangeIncidentsOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverChangeIncidentsOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]
typeany[]Filter by result type(s)
sincestringFilter out older results
videogameVideogameIdOrSlug[]Filter by videogame(s)

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverChangeIncidents, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverChangeIncidents } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const incidentId = 9;

const filterOverChangeIncidents: FilterOverChangeIncidents = {
id: [incidentId],
modifiedAt: ['id eiusmod'],
opponentsFilled: true,
const incidentId1 = 9;

const rangeOverChangeIncidents: RangeOverChangeIncidents = {
id: [incidentId1],
modifiedAt: ['adipisici'],
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.incidents.getChanges({
filter: filterOverChangeIncidents,
range: rangeOverChangeIncidents,
sort: [[]],
page: page,
perPage: 50,
type: [[]],
since: 'labori',
videogame: [videogameIdOrSlug],



Get the latest deleted documents

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /deletions


filterFilterOverDeletionIncidentsOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverDeletionIncidentsOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]
typeany[]Filter by result type(s)
sincestringFilter out older results
videogameVideogameIdOrSlug[]Filter by videogame(s)

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverDeletionIncidents, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverDeletionIncidents } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const incidentId = 9;

const filterOverDeletionIncidents: FilterOverDeletionIncidents = {
id: [incidentId],
modifiedAt: ['voluptate cu'],
const incidentId1 = 9;

const rangeOverDeletionIncidents: RangeOverDeletionIncidents = {
id: [incidentId1],
modifiedAt: ['reprehenderit o'],
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.incidents.getDeletions({
filter: filterOverDeletionIncidents,
range: rangeOverDeletionIncidents,
sort: [[]],
page: page,
perPage: 50,
type: [[]],
since: 'voluptat',
videogame: [videogameIdOrSlug],



Get the latest updates and additions.

This endpoint only provides the latest incident for an object. It does not keep track of previous incidents.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /incidents


filterFilterOverIncidentsOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverIncidentsOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]
typeany[]Filter by result type(s)
sincestringFilter out older results
videogameVideogameIdOrSlug[]Filter by videogame(s)

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverIncidents, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverIncidents } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const incidentId = 9;

const filterOverIncidents: FilterOverIncidents = {
id: [incidentId],
modifiedAt: ['eu'],
opponentsFilled: true,
const incidentId1 = 9;

const rangeOverIncidents: RangeOverIncidents = {
id: [incidentId1],
modifiedAt: ['id offici'],
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.incidents.getIncidents({
filter: filterOverIncidents,
range: rangeOverIncidents,
sort: [[]],
page: page,
perPage: 50,
type: [[]],
since: 'dolore adip',
videogame: [videogameIdOrSlug],


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