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A list of all methods in the LoLGamesService service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.

get_lol_games_lolGameIdGet a single League of Legends game by ID
get_lol_games_lolGameId_eventsList events for a given League of Legends game
get_lol_games_lolGameId_framesList frames for a given League of Legends game
get_lol_matches_matchIdOrSlug_gamesList games for a given League of Legends match
get_lol_teams_teamIdOrSlug_gamesList finished games for a given League of Legends team


Get a single League of Legends game by ID

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lol/games/{lol_game_id}


lolGameIdnumberA LoL game ID

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { PandascoreClient } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.loLGames.getLolGamesLolGameId(8);



List events for a given League of Legends game

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lol/games/{lol_game_id}/events


lolGameIdnumberA LoL game ID
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { Page, PandascoreClient } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.loLGames.getLolGamesLolGameIdEvents(2, {
page: page,
perPage: 50,



List frames for a given League of Legends game

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lol/games/{lol_game_id}/frames


lolGameIdnumberA LoL game ID
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { Page, PandascoreClient } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.loLGames.getLolGamesLolGameIdFrames(5, {
page: page,
perPage: 50,



List games for a given League of Legends match

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lol/matches/{match_id_or_slug}/games


matchIdOrSlugMatchIdOrSlugA match ID or slug
filterFilterOverLoLGamesOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverLoLGamesOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverLoLGamesOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverLoLGames, GameStatus, MatchIdOrSlug, OpponentType, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverLoLGames, SearchOverLoLGames } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'});

const matchIdOrSlug = 5;
const gameStatus = GameStatus.FINISHED;

const opponentType = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const filterOverLoLGames: FilterOverLoLGames = {
beginAt: ["eiusmod "],
complete: true,
detailedStats: true,
endAt: ["veniam"],
finished: true,
forfeit: true,
id: [5],
length: [4],
matchId: [7],
position: [6],
status: [gameStatus],
winnerType: [opponentType]
const gameStatus1 = GameStatus.FINISHED;

const opponentType1 = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const rangeOverLoLGames: RangeOverLoLGames = {
beginAt: ["velit l"],
complete: [true],
detailedStats: [true],
endAt: ["consequat sin"],
finished: [true],
forfeit: [true],
id: [5],
length: [3],
matchId: [7],
position: [2],
status: [gameStatus1],
winnerType: [opponentType1]
const gameStatus12 = GameStatus.FINISHED;

const opponentType12 = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const searchOverLoLGames: SearchOverLoLGames = {
status: gameStatus12,
winnerType: opponentType12
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.loLGames.getLolMatchesMatchIdOrSlugGames(
filter: filterOverLoLGames,
range: rangeOverLoLGames,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverLoLGames,
page: page,
perPage: 50,



List finished games for a given League of Legends team

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /lol/teams/{team_id_or_slug}/games


teamIdOrSlugTeamIdOrSlugA team ID or slug
filterFilterOverLoLTeamLastGamesOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverLoLTeamLastGamesOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverLoLTeamLastGamesOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverLoLTeamLastGames, GameStatus, OpponentType, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverLoLTeamLastGames, SearchOverLoLTeamLastGames, TeamIdOrSlug } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'});

const teamIdOrSlug = 10;
const gameStatus = GameStatus.FINISHED;

const opponentType = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const filterOverLoLTeamLastGames: FilterOverLoLTeamLastGames = {
beginAt: ["ut cillum Exc"],
complete: true,
detailedStats: true,
endAt: ["cillum id nul"],
finished: true,
forfeit: true,
id: [6],
length: [7],
matchId: [1],
position: [8],
status: [gameStatus],
winnerType: [opponentType]
const gameStatus1 = GameStatus.FINISHED;

const opponentType1 = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const rangeOverLoLTeamLastGames: RangeOverLoLTeamLastGames = {
beginAt: ["el"],
complete: [true],
detailedStats: [true],
endAt: ["labor"],
finished: [true],
forfeit: [true],
id: [6],
length: [9],
matchId: [7],
position: [4],
status: [gameStatus1],
winnerType: [opponentType1]
const gameStatus12 = GameStatus.FINISHED;

const opponentType12 = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const searchOverLoLTeamLastGames: SearchOverLoLTeamLastGames = {
status: gameStatus12,
winnerType: opponentType12
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.loLGames.getLolTeamsTeamIdOrSlugGames(
filter: filterOverLoLTeamLastGames,
range: rangeOverLoLTeamLastGames,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverLoLTeamLastGames,
page: page,
perPage: 50,


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