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A list of all methods in the TeamsService service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.

get_teamsList teams
get_teams_teamIdOrSlugGet a single team by ID or by slug
get_teams_teamIdOrSlug_leaguesList leagues in which the given team was part of
get_teams_teamIdOrSlug_matchesList matches for the given team
get_teams_teamIdOrSlug_seriesList series in which the given team was part of
get_teams_teamIdOrSlug_tournamentsList tournaments in which the given team was part of


List teams

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /teams


filterFilterOverTeamsOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverTeamsOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverTeamsOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import {
} from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const videogameId = VideogameId._1;

const filterOverTeams: FilterOverTeams = {
acronym: ['qui dolore'],
id: [9],
location: ['in reprehende'],
modifiedAt: ['elit'],
name: ['deserunt conse'],
slug: ['_pbld'],
videogameId: [videogameId],

const rangeOverTeams: RangeOverTeams = {
acronym: ['nulla adipis'],
id: [6],
location: ['amet comm'],
modifiedAt: ['non'],
name: ['adipisicing'],
slug: ['b48hhqy'],

const searchOverTeams: SearchOverTeams = {
acronym: 'exercit',
location: 'est L',
name: 'culpa Duis t',
slug: 'f',
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.teams.getTeams({
filter: filterOverTeams,
range: rangeOverTeams,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverTeams,
page: page,
perPage: 50,



Get a single team by ID or by slug

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /teams/{team_id_or_slug}


teamIdOrSlugTeamIdOrSlugA team ID or slug

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { PandascoreClient, TeamIdOrSlug } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

const teamIdOrSlug = 10;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.teams.getTeamsTeamIdOrSlug();



List leagues in which the given team was part of

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /teams/{team_id_or_slug}/leagues


teamIdOrSlugTeamIdOrSlugA team ID or slug
filterFilterOverLeaguesOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverLeaguesOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverLeaguesOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverLeagues, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverLeagues, SearchOverLeagues, TeamIdOrSlug } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'});

const teamIdOrSlug = 10;

const filterOverLeagues: FilterOverLeagues = {
id: [7],
modifiedAt: ["offici"],
name: ["ad ut"],
slug: ["p_"],
url: ["esse aliqu"]

const rangeOverLeagues: RangeOverLeagues = {
id: [10],
modifiedAt: ["ut nulla"],
name: ["ea mol"],
slug: ["pmjvmw-84d"],
url: ["ea aliquip"]

const searchOverLeagues: SearchOverLeagues = {
name: "Duis dolo",
slug: "-teig",
url: "adipisicing"
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.teams.getTeamsTeamIdOrSlugLeagues(
filter: filterOverLeagues,
range: rangeOverLeagues,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverLeagues,
page: page,
perPage: 50,



List matches for the given team

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /teams/{team_id_or_slug}/matches


teamIdOrSlugTeamIdOrSlugA team ID or slug
filterFilterOverMatchesOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverMatchesOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverMatchesOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverMatches, MatchStatus, MatchType, MatchWinnerType, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverMatches, SearchOverMatches, TeamIdOrSlug } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'});

const teamIdOrSlug = 10;
const matchType = MatchType.ALLGAMESPLAYED;

const teamIdOrSlug1 = 10;;

const matchStatus = MatchStatus.CANCELED;

const videogameId = VideogameId._1;;

const filterOverMatchesVideogameTitle = 6;

const filterOverMatchesVideogameVersion = "1125897835.45";

const opponentId = 7;

const matchWinnerType = MatchWinnerType.PLAYER;

const filterOverMatches: FilterOverMatches = {
beginAt: ["ani"],
detailedStats: true,
draw: true,
endAt: ["ad ut com"],
finished: true,
forfeit: true,
future: true,
id: [3],
leagueId: [9],
matchType: [matchType],
modifiedAt: ["aute sit"],
name: ["exercitation te"],
notStarted: true,
numberOfGames: [8],
opponentId: [filterOverMatchesOpponentId],
opponentsFilled: true,
past: true,
running: true,
scheduledAt: ["esse aute n"],
serieId: [10],
slug: ["HiGqjR9"],
status: [matchStatus],
tournamentId: [3],
unscheduled: true,
videogame: [videogameIdOrSlug],
videogameTitle: [filterOverMatchesVideogameTitle],
videogameVersion: [filterOverMatchesVideogameVersion],
winnerId: [opponentId],
winnerType: [matchWinnerType]
const matchType1 = MatchType.ALLGAMESPLAYED;

const matchStatus1 = MatchStatus.CANCELED;

const opponentId1 = 7;

const matchWinnerType1 = MatchWinnerType.PLAYER;

const rangeOverMatches: RangeOverMatches = {
beginAt: ["al"],
detailedStats: [true],
draw: [true],
endAt: ["do d"],
forfeit: [true],
id: [6],
matchType: [matchType1],
modifiedAt: ["dolore ve"],
name: ["dolore "],
numberOfGames: [10],
scheduledAt: ["nisi sed aut"],
slug: ["bAjOZ"],
status: [matchStatus1],
tournamentId: [3],
winnerId: [opponentId1],
winnerType: [matchWinnerType1]
const matchType12 = MatchType.ALLGAMESPLAYED;

const matchStatus12 = MatchStatus.CANCELED;

const matchWinnerType12 = MatchWinnerType.PLAYER;

const searchOverMatches: SearchOverMatches = {
matchType: matchType12,
name: "nulla veniam ",
slug: "WfL1ZPQ",
status: matchStatus12,
winnerType: matchWinnerType12
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.teams.getTeamsTeamIdOrSlugMatches(
filter: filterOverMatches,
range: rangeOverMatches,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverMatches,
page: page,
perPage: 50,



List series in which the given team was part of

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /teams/{team_id_or_slug}/series


teamIdOrSlugTeamIdOrSlugA team ID or slug
filterFilterOverSeriesOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverSeriesOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverSeriesOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverSeries, OpponentType, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverSeries, SearchOverSeries, TeamIdOrSlug } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'});

const teamIdOrSlug = 10;
const filterOverSeriesVideogameTitle = 7;

const opponentId = 7;

const opponentType = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const filterOverSeries: FilterOverSeries = {
beginAt: ["sunt cillum dol"],
endAt: ["dolor"],
id: [5],
leagueId: [7],
modifiedAt: ["deserunt"],
name: ["laboris"],
season: ["proident"],
slug: ["_9"],
videogameTitle: [filterOverSeriesVideogameTitle],
winnerId: [opponentId],
winnerType: [opponentType],
year: [123]
const opponentId1 = 7;

const opponentType1 = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const rangeOverSeries: RangeOverSeries = {
beginAt: ["sint c"],
endAt: ["ex dolore tempo"],
id: [6],
leagueId: [6],
modifiedAt: ["lab"],
name: ["animea labore e"],
season: ["ipsum i"],
slug: ["8"],
winnerId: [opponentId1],
winnerType: [opponentType1],
year: [123]
const opponentType12 = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const searchOverSeries: SearchOverSeries = {
name: "fugia",
season: "aute al",
slug: "cc3u_",
winnerType: opponentType12
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.teams.getTeamsTeamIdOrSlugSeries(
filter: filterOverSeries,
range: rangeOverSeries,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverSeries,
page: page,
perPage: 50,



List tournaments in which the given team was part of

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /teams/{team_id_or_slug}/tournaments


teamIdOrSlugTeamIdOrSlugA team ID or slug
filterFilterOverShortTournamentsOptions to filter results. String fields are case sensitive
For more information on filtering, see docs.
rangeRangeOverShortTournamentsOptions to select results within ranges
For more information on ranges, see docs.
sortany[]Options to sort results
For more information on sorting, see docs.
searchSearchOverShortTournamentsOptions to search results
For more information on searching, see docs.
pagePagePagination in the form of page=2 or page[size]=30&page[number]=2
perPagenumberEquivalent to page[size]

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { FilterOverShortTournaments, OpponentType, Page, PandascoreClient, RangeOverShortTournaments, SearchOverShortTournaments, SearchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier2, TeamIdOrSlug } from 'pandascore_client';

(async () => {
const pandascoreClient = new PandascoreClient({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN'});

const teamIdOrSlug = 10;
const searchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier2 = SearchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier2.A;

const filterOverShortTournamentsVideogameTitle = 5;

const opponentId = 7;

const opponentType = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const filterOverShortTournaments: FilterOverShortTournaments = {
beginAt: ["pariat"],
detailedStats: true,
endAt: ["eli"],
hasBracket: true,
id: [4],
liveSupported: true,
modifiedAt: ["cillu"],
name: ["Excepteur do"],
prizepool: ["in ut veniam "],
serieId: [10],
slug: ["z160_"],
tier: [searchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier2],
videogameTitle: [filterOverShortTournamentsVideogameTitle],
winnerId: [opponentId],
winnerType: [opponentType]
const searchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier21 = SearchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier2.A;

const opponentId1 = 7;

const opponentType1 = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const rangeOverShortTournaments: RangeOverShortTournaments = {
beginAt: ["et"],
detailedStats: [true],
endAt: ["commo"],
hasBracket: [true],
id: [1],
modifiedAt: ["nul"],
name: ["enim "],
prizepool: ["qui ull"],
serieId: [3],
slug: ["vyokv"],
tier: [searchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier21],
winnerId: [opponentId1],
winnerType: [opponentType1]
const searchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier212 = SearchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier2.A;

const opponentType12 = OpponentType.PLAYER;

const searchOverShortTournaments: SearchOverShortTournaments = {
name: "sunt minim",
prizepool: "utid magna es",
slug: "50l9n",
tier: searchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier212,
winnerType: opponentType12
const page = 1;

const { data } = await pandascoreClient.teams.getTeamsTeamIdOrSlugTournaments(
filter: filterOverShortTournaments,
range: rangeOverShortTournaments,
sort: [[]],
search: searchOverShortTournaments,
page: page,
perPage: 50,


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