NonDeletionIncident | |
FilterOverAdditionIncidents | |
RangeOverAdditionIncidents | |
FilterOverChangeIncidents | |
RangeOverChangeIncidents | |
DeletionIncident | |
FilterOverDeletionIncidents | |
RangeOverDeletionIncidents | |
FilterOverIncidents | |
RangeOverIncidents | |
League | |
FilterOverCodmwLeagues | |
RangeOverCodmwLeagues | |
SearchOverCodmwLeagues | |
Match | |
FilterOverCodmwMatches | |
RangeOverCodmwMatches | |
SearchOverCodmwMatches | |
Player | |
FilterOverCodmwPlayers | |
RangeOverCodmwPlayers | |
SearchOverCodmwPlayers | |
Serie | A serie, an occurrence of a league event |
FilterOverCodmwSeries | |
RangeOverCodmwSeries | |
SearchOverCodmwSeries | |
Team | |
FilterOverCodmwTeams | |
RangeOverCodmwTeams | |
SearchOverCodmwTeams | |
ShortTournament | |
FilterOverCodmwShortTournaments | |
RangeOverCodmwShortTournaments | |
SearchOverCodmwShortTournaments | |
CsgoGame | |
CsgoEvent | |
CsgoFullRound | |
FilterOverCsgoGames | |
RangeOverCsgoGames | |
SearchOverCsgoGames | |
FilterOverCsgoLeagues | |
RangeOverCsgoLeagues | |
SearchOverCsgoLeagues | |
CsgoMap | |
FilterOverCsgoMaps | |
RangeOverCsgoMaps | |
SearchOverCsgoMaps | |
FilterOverCsgoMatches | |
RangeOverCsgoMatches | |
SearchOverCsgoMatches | |
CsgoMatch | |
CsgoStatsForAllPlayersByMatch | |
CsgoStatsForPlayerByMatch | Player's aggregated statistics for a match |
CsgoStatsForTeamByMatch | Team's aggregated statistics for a match |
CsgoStatsForPlayer | Player's aggregated statistics |
CsgoStatsForPlayerBySerie | Player's aggregated statistics for a serie |
CsgoStatsForTeamBySerie | Team's aggregated statistics for a serie |
CsgoStatsForTeam | Team's aggregated statistics |
CsgoStatsForPlayerByTournament | Player's aggregated statistics for a tournament |
CsgoStatsForTeamByTournament | Team's aggregated statistics for a tournament |
FilterOverCsgoPlayers | |
RangeOverCsgoPlayers | |
SearchOverCsgoPlayers | |
FilterOverCsgoSeries | |
RangeOverCsgoSeries | |
SearchOverCsgoSeries | |
FilterOverCsgoTeams | |
RangeOverCsgoTeams | |
SearchOverCsgoTeams | |
FilterOverCsgoShortTournaments | |
RangeOverCsgoShortTournaments | |
SearchOverCsgoShortTournaments | |
CsgoWeapon | |
FilterOverCsgoWeapons | |
RangeOverCsgoWeapons | |
SearchOverCsgoWeapons | |
Dota2Ability | |
FilterOverDota2Abilities | |
RangeOverDota2Abilities | |
SearchOverDota2Abilities | |
Dota2Game | |
Dota2Frame | |
FilterOverDota2Games | |
RangeOverDota2Games | |
SearchOverDota2Games | |
BaseDota2Game | |
Dota2Hero | |
FilterOverDota2Heroes | |
RangeOverDota2Heroes | |
SearchOverDota2Heroes | |
Dota2Item | |
FilterOverDota2Items | |
RangeOverDota2Items | |
SearchOverDota2Items | |
FilterOverDota2Leagues | |
RangeOverDota2Leagues | |
SearchOverDota2Leagues | |
FilterOverDota2Matches | |
RangeOverDota2Matches | |
SearchOverDota2Matches | |
Dota2StatsForAllPlayersByMatch | |
Dota2StatsForPlayer | Aggregated statistics for a player grouped by serie |
GetDota2PlayersPlayerIdOrSlugStatsSide | |
Dota2StatsForPlayerBySerie | Player's aggregated statistics for a serie |
Dota2StatsForTeamBySerie | Team's aggregated statistics for a serie |
Dota2StatsForTeam | Aggregated statistics for a team grouped by serie |
Dota2StatsForPlayerByTournament | Player's aggregated statistics for a tournament |
Dota2StatsForTeamByTournament | Team's aggregated statistics for a tournament |
FilterOverDota2Players | |
RangeOverDota2Players | |
SearchOverDota2Players | |
FilterOverDota2Series | |
RangeOverDota2Series | |
SearchOverDota2Series | |
FilterOverDota2Teams | |
RangeOverDota2Teams | |
SearchOverDota2Teams | |
FilterOverDota2ShortTournaments | |
RangeOverDota2ShortTournaments | |
SearchOverDota2ShortTournaments | |
FilterOverFifaLeagues | |
RangeOverFifaLeagues | |
SearchOverFifaLeagues | |
FilterOverFifaMatches | |
RangeOverFifaMatches | |
SearchOverFifaMatches | |
FilterOverFifaPlayers | |
RangeOverFifaPlayers | |
SearchOverFifaPlayers | |
FilterOverFifaSeries | |
RangeOverFifaSeries | |
SearchOverFifaSeries | |
FilterOverFifaTeams | |
RangeOverFifaTeams | |
SearchOverFifaTeams | |
FilterOverFifaShortTournaments | |
RangeOverFifaShortTournaments | |
SearchOverFifaShortTournaments | |
FilterOverKogLeagues | |
RangeOverKogLeagues | |
SearchOverKogLeagues | |
FilterOverKogMatches | |
RangeOverKogMatches | |
SearchOverKogMatches | |
FilterOverKogPlayers | |
RangeOverKogPlayers | |
SearchOverKogPlayers | |
FilterOverKogSeries | |
RangeOverKogSeries | |
SearchOverKogSeries | |
FilterOverKogTeams | |
RangeOverKogTeams | |
SearchOverKogTeams | |
FilterOverKogShortTournaments | |
RangeOverKogShortTournaments | |
SearchOverKogShortTournaments | |
FilterOverLeagues | |
RangeOverLeagues | |
SearchOverLeagues | |
FilterOverMatches | |
RangeOverMatches | |
SearchOverMatches | |
FilterOverSeries | |
RangeOverSeries | |
SearchOverSeries | |
FilterOverShortTournaments | |
RangeOverShortTournaments | |
SearchOverShortTournaments | |
Live | |
FilterOverLolWildRiftLeagues | |
RangeOverLolWildRiftLeagues | |
SearchOverLolWildRiftLeagues | |
FilterOverLolWildRiftMatches | |
RangeOverLolWildRiftMatches | |
SearchOverLolWildRiftMatches | |
FilterOverLolWildRiftPlayers | |
RangeOverLolWildRiftPlayers | |
SearchOverLolWildRiftPlayers | |
FilterOverLolWildRiftSeries | |
RangeOverLolWildRiftSeries | |
SearchOverLolWildRiftSeries | |
FilterOverLolWildRiftTeams | |
RangeOverLolWildRiftTeams | |
SearchOverLolWildRiftTeams | |
FilterOverLolWildRiftShortTournaments | |
RangeOverLolWildRiftShortTournaments | |
SearchOverLolWildRiftShortTournaments | |
LoLChampion | |
FilterOverLoLChampions | |
RangeOverLoLChampions | |
SearchOverLoLChampions | |
LoLGame | |
LoLGameEvent | |
LoLGameFrame | |
FilterOverLoLGames | |
RangeOverLoLGames | |
SearchOverLoLGames | |
LoLTeamLastGame | A team's last game |
FilterOverLoLTeamLastGames | |
RangeOverLoLTeamLastGames | |
SearchOverLoLTeamLastGames | |
LoLItem | |
FilterOverLoLItems | |
RangeOverLoLItems | |
SearchOverLoLItems | |
FilterOverLoLLeagues | |
RangeOverLoLLeagues | |
SearchOverLoLLeagues | |
LoLMastery | |
FilterOverLoLMasteries | |
RangeOverLoLMasteries | |
SearchOverLoLMasteries | |
FilterOverLoLMatches | |
RangeOverLoLMatches | |
SearchOverLoLMatches | |
LoLMatch | |
LoLStatsForAllPlayersByMatch | |
LoLStatsForPlayer | Aggregated statistics for a player grouped by serie |
GetLolPlayersPlayerIdOrSlugStatsSide | |
LoLStatsForPlayerBySerie | Player's aggregated statistics for a serie |
LoLStatsForTeamBySerie | Team's aggregated statistics for a serie |
LoLStatsForTeam | Aggregated statistics for a team grouped by serie |
LoLStatsForPlayerByTournament | Player's aggregated statistics for a tournament |
LoLStatsForTeamByTournament | Team's aggregated statistics for a tournament |
FilterOverLoLPlayers | |
RangeOverLoLPlayers | |
SearchOverLoLPlayers | |
LoLRune | |
FilterOverLoLRunes | |
RangeOverLoLRunes | |
SearchOverLoLRunes | |
LoLRuneReforged | |
FilterOverLoLRunesReforged | |
RangeOverLoLRunesReforged | |
SearchOverLoLRunesReforged | |
LoLRunePath | |
FilterOverLoLRunePaths | |
RangeOverLoLRunePaths | |
SearchOverLoLRunePaths | |
FilterOverLoLSeries | |
RangeOverLoLSeries | |
SearchOverLoLSeries | |
FilterOverLoLTeams | |
RangeOverLoLTeams | |
SearchOverLoLTeams | |
LoLSpell | |
FilterOverLoLSpells | |
RangeOverLoLSpells | |
SearchOverLoLSpells | |
FilterOverLoLShortTournaments | |
RangeOverLoLShortTournaments | |
SearchOverLoLShortTournaments | |
OwGame | A game |
FilterOverOwGames | |
RangeOverOwGames | |
SearchOverOwGames | |
OwStatsForPlayerByGame | Player's aggregated statistics for a game |
OwStatsForAllPlayersByMatch | |
OwStatsForPlayerByMatch | Player's aggregated statistics for a match |
OwStatsForPlayer | Aggregated statistics for a player |
OwStatsForPlayerBySerie | Player's aggregated statistics for a serie |
OwStatsForPlayerByTournament | Player's aggregated statistics for a tournament |
OwHero | |
FilterOverOwHeroes | |
RangeOverOwHeroes | |
SearchOverOwHeroes | |
FilterOverOwLeagues | |
RangeOverOwLeagues | |
SearchOverOwLeagues | |
OwMap | |
FilterOverOwMaps | |
RangeOverOwMaps | |
SearchOverOwMaps | |
FilterOverOwMatches | |
RangeOverOwMatches | |
SearchOverOwMatches | |
FilterOverOwPlayers | |
RangeOverOwPlayers | |
SearchOverOwPlayers | |
FilterOverOwSeries | |
RangeOverOwSeries | |
SearchOverOwSeries | |
FilterOverOwTeams | |
RangeOverOwTeams | |
SearchOverOwTeams | |
FilterOverOwShortTournaments | |
RangeOverOwShortTournaments | |
SearchOverOwShortTournaments | |
FilterOverPlayers | |
RangeOverPlayers | |
SearchOverPlayers | |
FilterOverPubgLeagues | |
RangeOverPubgLeagues | |
SearchOverPubgLeagues | |
FilterOverPubgMatches | |
RangeOverPubgMatches | |
SearchOverPubgMatches | |
FilterOverPubgPlayers | |
RangeOverPubgPlayers | |
SearchOverPubgPlayers | |
FilterOverPubgSeries | |
RangeOverPubgSeries | |
SearchOverPubgSeries | |
FilterOverPubgTeams | |
RangeOverPubgTeams | |
SearchOverPubgTeams | |
FilterOverPubgShortTournaments | |
RangeOverPubgShortTournaments | |
SearchOverPubgShortTournaments | |
FilterOverR6SiegeLeagues | |
RangeOverR6SiegeLeagues | |
SearchOverR6SiegeLeagues | |
FilterOverR6SiegeMatches | |
RangeOverR6SiegeMatches | |
SearchOverR6SiegeMatches | |
FilterOverR6SiegePlayers | |
RangeOverR6SiegePlayers | |
SearchOverR6SiegePlayers | |
FilterOverR6SiegeSeries | |
RangeOverR6SiegeSeries | |
SearchOverR6SiegeSeries | |
FilterOverR6SiegeTeams | |
RangeOverR6SiegeTeams | |
SearchOverR6SiegeTeams | |
FilterOverR6SiegeShortTournaments | |
RangeOverR6SiegeShortTournaments | |
SearchOverR6SiegeShortTournaments | |
FilterOverRlLeagues | |
RangeOverRlLeagues | |
SearchOverRlLeagues | |
FilterOverRlMatches | |
RangeOverRlMatches | |
SearchOverRlMatches | |
FilterOverRlPlayers | |
RangeOverRlPlayers | |
SearchOverRlPlayers | |
FilterOverRlSeries | |
RangeOverRlSeries | |
SearchOverRlSeries | |
FilterOverRlTeams | |
RangeOverRlTeams | |
SearchOverRlTeams | |
FilterOverRlShortTournaments | |
RangeOverRlShortTournaments | |
SearchOverRlShortTournaments | |
FilterOverStarcraft2Leagues | |
RangeOverStarcraft2Leagues | |
SearchOverStarcraft2Leagues | |
FilterOverStarcraft2Matches | |
RangeOverStarcraft2Matches | |
SearchOverStarcraft2Matches | |
FilterOverStarcraft2Players | |
RangeOverStarcraft2Players | |
SearchOverStarcraft2Players | |
FilterOverStarcraft2Series | |
RangeOverStarcraft2Series | |
SearchOverStarcraft2Series | |
FilterOverStarcraft2Teams | |
RangeOverStarcraft2Teams | |
SearchOverStarcraft2Teams | |
FilterOverStarcraft2ShortTournaments | |
RangeOverStarcraft2ShortTournaments | |
SearchOverStarcraft2ShortTournaments | |
FilterOverStarcraftBroodWarLeagues | |
RangeOverStarcraftBroodWarLeagues | |
SearchOverStarcraftBroodWarLeagues | |
FilterOverStarcraftBroodWarMatches | |
RangeOverStarcraftBroodWarMatches | |
SearchOverStarcraftBroodWarMatches | |
FilterOverStarcraftBroodWarPlayers | |
RangeOverStarcraftBroodWarPlayers | |
SearchOverStarcraftBroodWarPlayers | |
FilterOverStarcraftBroodWarSeries | |
RangeOverStarcraftBroodWarSeries | |
SearchOverStarcraftBroodWarSeries | |
FilterOverStarcraftBroodWarTeams | |
RangeOverStarcraftBroodWarTeams | |
SearchOverStarcraftBroodWarTeams | |
FilterOverStarcraftBroodWarShortTournaments | |
RangeOverStarcraftBroodWarShortTournaments | |
SearchOverStarcraftBroodWarShortTournaments | |
FilterOverTeams | |
RangeOverTeams | |
SearchOverTeams | |
Tournament | |
Bracket | |
FilterOverBrackets | |
RangeOverBrackets | |
SearchOverBrackets | |
ValorantAbility | |
FilterOverValorantAbilities | |
RangeOverValorantAbilities | |
SearchOverValorantAbilities | |
ValorantAgent | |
FilterOverValorantAgents | |
RangeOverValorantAgents | |
SearchOverValorantAgents | |
ValorantGame | |
ValorantGameEvent | |
ValorantFullRound | |
FilterOverValorantGames | |
RangeOverValorantGames | |
SearchOverValorantGames | |
FilterOverValorantLeagues | |
RangeOverValorantLeagues | |
SearchOverValorantLeagues | |
ValorantMap | An object that represents a Valorant map |
FilterOverValorantMaps | |
RangeOverValorantMaps | |
SearchOverValorantMaps | |
FilterOverValorantMatches | |
RangeOverValorantMatches | |
SearchOverValorantMatches | |
ValorantStatsForPlayersByMatch | |
ValorantStatsForTeamByMatch | |
ValorantStatsForPlayer | |
ValorantStatsForPlayerBySerie | |
ValorantStatsForTeamBySerie | |
ValorantStatsForTeam | |
ValorantStatsForPlayerByTournament | |
ValorantStatsForTeamByTournament | |
FilterOverValorantPlayers | |
RangeOverValorantPlayers | |
SearchOverValorantPlayers | |
FilterOverValorantSeries | |
RangeOverValorantSeries | |
SearchOverValorantSeries | |
FilterOverValorantTeams | |
RangeOverValorantTeams | |
SearchOverValorantTeams | |
FilterOverValorantShortTournaments | |
RangeOverValorantShortTournaments | |
SearchOverValorantShortTournaments | |
ValorantWeapon | |
FilterOverValorantWeapons | |
RangeOverValorantWeapons | |
SearchOverValorantWeapons | |
ShortVideogameTitle | |
ShortVideogameVersion | |
IncidentChangeType | |
IncidentId | An incident ID |
IncidentType | |
BaseSerie | |
LeagueVideogameLoL | |
LeagueVideogameCsgo | |
LeagueVideogameDota2 | |
LeagueVideogameOverwatch | |
LeagueVideogamePubg | |
LeagueVideogameRocketLeague | |
LeagueVideogameCodmw | |
LeagueVideogameR6siege | |
LeagueVideogameFifa | |
LeagueVideogameValorant | |
LeagueVideogameKog | |
LeagueVideogameLolWildRift | |
LeagueVideogameStarcraft2 | |
LeagueVideogameStarcraftBroodWar | |
LeagueVideogameEBasketball | |
LeagueVideogameECricket | |
LeagueVideogameESoccer | |
BaseLeague | |
BaseTournament | |
VideogameId | A videogame ID |
TournamentRosterItem | |
BaseMatch | |
BaseTeam | |
BasePlayer | |
MatchLive | |
MatchType | |
MatchStatus | |
Stream | |
MatchWinnerType | |
StreamLanguage | Language alpha-2 code according to ISO 649-1 standard. |
Game | |
Opponent | |
MatchResult | |
ValorantMapPick | |
GameId | ID of the game. IDs are video game-specific, ie. a Valorant game and an Overwatch game can have the same game ID. |
GameStatus | The game status |
GameWinner | |
OpponentType | |
MatchTeamResult | |
MatchPlayerResult | |
VideogameSlug | A videogame slug |
DeletionIncidentChangeType | |
DeletionObject | |
IncidentDeletionReasonDeleted | The entity no longer exists. |
OpponentId | |
SearchOverValorantShortTournamentsTier2 | The tier of the tournament, ranging from 'S' to 'Unranked'. Ranking 'S' > 'A' > 'B' > 'C' > 'D' > 'Unranked' |
FullGameMatch | A match |
CsgoGamePlayer | Player's data for a game |
CsgoRound | |
CsgoRoundsScore | |
CsgoOutcome | |
CsgoSide | |
CsgoRoundStartEvent | |
CsgoRoundEndEvent | |
CsgoKillEvent | |
CsgoRoundStartEventDetails | |
CsgoEventType | |
CsgoRoundEndEventDetails | |
CsgoRoundWinner | |
CsgoRoundSide | |
CsgoKillEventDetails | |
CsgoRoundPlayer | |
CsgoFullRoundTeam | |
CsgoFullRoundMap | The location selected during the picks and bans phase for the game. |
CsgoFullRoundWinner | |
CsgoFullRoundTeamPlayer | |
CsgoFullRoundPlayerEconomy | |
CsgoFullRoundUtility | |
CsgoMatchGame | |
CsgoMatchPlayer | Player's data for a CSGO Match |
CsgoMatchGamePlayer | Player's data for a Game in a CSGO Match |
CsgoTeamForAllStatsPlayers | |
CsgoPlayerForAllStatsPlayers | |
CsgoPlayerStatsForAllPlayersByMatch | Statistics for all players for a match |
CsgoStatsCountsForMatch | |
CsgoPlayerStatsGameAverages | |
CsgoStatsRoundAverages | |
CsgoPlayerStatsByMatch | Statistics for a match |
BaseCsgoGame | A game |
CsgoTeamStatsByMatch | Statistics for a match |
CsgoTeamMapStats | Statistics for a map |
CsgoTeamStatsGameAverages | |
CsgoPlayerStats | Statistics for all matches |
CsgoStatsCounts | |
CsgoPlayerStatsBySerie | Statistics for a serie |
CsgoTeamStatsBySerie | Statistics for a serie |
CsgoTeamStats | Statistics for all matches |
CsgoPlayerStatsByTournament | Statistics for a tournament |
CsgoTeamStatsByTournament | Statistics for a tournament |
CsgoWeaponKind | |
Dota2GameMatch | |
Dota2FullGamePlayer | Player's data for a game |
Dota2GameTeam | Team's data for a game |
Dota2PerHeroAbility | An ability used by a hero in a game |
Dota2Faction | |
Dota2FrameTeam | |
Dota2FramePlayer | |
Dota2FrameHero | |
Dota2TeamForAllStatsPlayers | |
Dota2PlayerForAllStatsPlayers | |
Dota2PlayerStatsForAllPlayersByMatch | Statistics for all players for a match |
Dota2PlayerAverages | |
Dota2PlayerStatsTotals | |
Dota2FavoriteHero | Player's favorite heroes |
Dota2GamePlayer | Player's data for a game |
Dota2PlayerBySerieStat | Player's statistics for a serie |
Dota2TotalPlayerStat | Total Player's statistics |
Dota2UsedItem | An item used by a hero |
Dota2BannedHero | |
Dota2PickedHero | |
Dota2TeamBySerieStat | Team's statistics for a serie |
Dota2TeamAverages | |
Dota2TeamStatsTotals | |
Dota2TeamRatios | |
Dota2TotalTeamStat | Total Team's statistics |
Dota2PlayerByTournamentStat | Player's statistics for a tournament |
Dota2TeamByTournamentStat | Team's statistics for a tournament |
LiveEndpoint | |
LiveType | |
LoLGamePlayer | Player's data for a Game |
LoLGameTeam | Team's data for a Game |
LoLFlags | |
BaseLoLItem | |
LoLKillCounters | |
LoLKillsSeries | |
LoLMagicDamage | |
LoLPhysicalDamage | |
LoLPlayerRunesReforged | |
LoLTotalDamage | |
LoLTrueDamage | |
LoLWards | |
LoLPlayerRuneShards | |
LoLRuneReforgedType | |
LoLTeamColor | |
LoLEventPayload | |
LoLEventType | |
LoLEventPlayer | |
LoLEventPlayerObject | |
LoLEventChampion | |
LoLEventDrake | |
LoLEventHerald | |
LoLEventMinion | |
LoLEventNashor | |
LoLEventTower | |
LoLEventNeutralMinion | |
LoLEventVoidgrub | |
LoLEventUnknown | |
LoLEventDrakeObject | |
LoLDrakeName | |
LoLDrakeType | |
LoLEventHeraldObject | |
LoLEventHeraldValue | |
LoLEventMinionObject | |
LoLEventMinionValue | |
LoLEventNashorObject | |
LoLEventNashorValue | |
LoLEventTowerObject | |
LoLEventTowerValue | |
LoLEventNeutralMinionObject | |
LoLEventNeutralMinionValue | |
LoLEventVoidgrubObject | |
LoLEventVoidgrubValue | |
LoLEventInhibitor | |
LoLEventInhibitorObject | |
LoLEventInhibitorValue | |
LoLFrameTeam | |
LoLPlayersRole | |
LoLPlayersRoleDetail | |
BaseLoLChampion | |
BaseLoLSpell | |
LoLMatchGame | |
LoLMatchPlayer | Player's data for a LoL Match |
LoLMatchGamePlayer | Player's data for a Game in a LoL Match |
LoLTeamForAllStatsPlayers | |
LoLPlayerForAllStatsPlayers | |
LoLPlayerStatsForAllPlayersByMatch | Statistics for all players for a match |
LoLPlayerAverages | |
LoLPlayerStatsTotals | |
LoLAverageKillCounters | |
LoLAverageMagicDamage | |
LoLAveragePhysicalDamage | |
LoLAverageTotalDamage | |
LoLAverageTrueDamage | |
LoLPlayerTotalKillCounters | |
LoLFavoriteChampion | A player's most used champion |
LoLGamePlayerForStats | Player's data for a Game |
LoLPlayerBySerieStat | Player's statistics for a serie |
LoLTotalPlayerStat | Total Player's statistics |
LoLUsedItem | An item used by a champion |
LoLGamePlayerDamageForStats | |
LoLBannedChampion | A team's banned champion |
LoLPickedChampion | A team's picked champion |
LoLTeamBySerieStat | Team's statistics for a serie |
LoLTeamAverages | |
LoLTeamStatsTotals | |
LoLTeamRatios | |
LoLTotalTeamStat | Total Team's statistics |
LoLPlayerByTournamentStat | Player's statistics for a tournament |
LoLTeamByTournamentStat | Team's statistics for a tournament |
LoLRunePathRunesObject | |
MatchTeamOpponentsObject | |
MatchPlayerOpponentsObject | |
OpponentTypeTeam | |
OpponentTypePlayer | |
MatchOpponentBasePlayer | |
OwGameRound | |
OwMapGameMode | |
OwGameRoundTeam | |
OwGameRoundPlayer | |
OwGameRoundPlayerHero | |
OwHeroRole | |
OwPlayerStatsByGame | Player's statistics for a game |
OwPlayerAverages | |
OwGameStatsGame | A game |
OwPlayer10MinAverages | |
OwPlayerGameAverages | |
OwPlayerGameTotalsForGame | |
GamelessFullGameMatch | A match |
OwTeamForAllStatsPlayers | |
OwPlayerForAllStatsPlayers | |
OwPlayerStatsForAllPlayersByMatch | Statistics for all players for a match |
OwPlayerTotals | |
OwFavoriteHero | |
OwPlayerStatsByMatch | Player's statistics for a match |
OwPlayerStats | Player's statistics |
OwPlayerStatsBySerie | Player's statistics for a serie |
OwPlayerStatsByTournament | Player's statistics for a tournament |
PreviousMatch | |
PreviousMatchType | |
TeamRosters | Rosters for a a series or a tournament with team participants |
PlayerRosters | Rosters for a series or a tournament with player participants |
BracketStanding | |
GroupStanding | |
ValorantAbilityType | Ability type |
ValorantGameRound | |
ValorantGameTeam | |
ValorantGameRoundAttacker | |
ValorantGameRoundDefender | |
ValorantGameRoundOutcome | How was the round finished.
spike_exploded : spike exploded
defenders_eliminated : attackers killed all defenders
spike_defused : spike defused
attack_timeout : attackers failed to plant the spike in time
attackers_eliminated : defenders killed all attackers |
ValorantGameRoundWinner | |
ValorantTeamSide | Team side in the round |
ValorantGamePlayer | |
ValorantShortAgent | |
ValorantPlayerClutchWins | Round wins when the player was the last team member alive |
ValorantPlayerStreaks | Streaks done by the player (in a given round) |
ValorantKillEvent | |
ValorantSpikePlantedEvent | |
ValorantSpikeDefusedEvent | |
ValorantKillEventDetails | |
ValorantEventType | |
ValorantEventKiller | |
ValorantEventVictim | |
BaseValorantAgent | |
ValorantSpikeEventPlayer | |
ValorantEventPlayer | |
ValorantFullRoundAttackerTeam | |
ValorantFullRoundDefenderTeam | |
ValorantFullRoundPlayer | |
ValorantPlayerShield | |
BaseValorantWeapon | |
ValorantPlayerMatchStats | |
ValorantAgentStats | |
ValorantTeamClutchWins | Rounds wins with a single team member alive |
BaseValorantGame | A game |
ValorantTeamMapStats | |
ValorantTeamStreaks | Streaks done by a team member (in a given round) |
BaseValorantTeam | |
VideogameLoL | |
VideogameCsgo | |
VideogameDota2 | |
VideogameOverwatch | |
VideogamePubg | |
VideogameRocketLeague | |
VideogameCodmw | |
VideogameR6siege | |
VideogameFifa | |
VideogameValorant | |
VideogameKog | |
VideogameLolWildRift | |
VideogameStarcraft2 | |
VideogameStarcraftBroodWar | |
VideogameESoccer | |
VideogameEBasketball | |
VideogameECricket | |
VideogameLeague | |