Name | Type | Required | Description |
emergency_service_address | EmergencyServiceAddressResourceRequest | ❌ | Address for emergency cases. The same emergency address is assigned to all numbers of a single device. If the emergency address is also specified in emergency resource, then this value is ignored |
emergency | DeviceEmergencyInfo | ❌ | Device emergency settings |
extension | DeviceUpdateExtensionInfo | ❌ | Information on extension that the device is assigned to |
phone_lines | DeviceUpdatePhoneLinesInfo | ❌ | Information on phone lines added to a device |
use_as_common_phone | bool | ❌ | Supported only for devices assigned to Limited extensions. If true, enables users to log in to this phone as a common phone |
name | str | ❌ | Device label, maximum number of symbols is 64 |
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