Name | Type | Required | Description |
id_ | str | ❌ | Internal identifier of a device |
uri | str | ❌ | Canonical URI of a device |
sku | str | ❌ | Device identification number (SKU, Stock Keeping Unit) in the format TP-ID [-AT-AC], where TP is device type (HP for RC desk phones, DV for all other devices including soft phones); ID - device model ID; AT - add-on type ID; AC - add-on count (if any). For example 'HP-56-2-2' |
type_ | DeviceResourceType | ❌ | Device type |
name | str | ❌ | Device name. Mandatory if ordering SoftPhone or OtherPhone. Optional for HardPhone. If not specified for HardPhone, then a device model is used as a device name |
serial | str | ❌ | Serial number for HardPhone (is returned only when the phone is shipped and provisioned); endpoint ID for SoftPhone and mobile applications |
status | DeviceResourceStatus | ❌ | Device status |
computer_name | str | ❌ | Computer name (for devices of SoftPhone type only) |
model | ModelInfo | ❌ | HardPhone model information |
extension | ExtensionInfoIntId | ❌ | This attribute can be omitted for unassigned devices |
emergency | DeviceEmergencyInfo | ❌ | Device emergency settings |
emergency_service_address | EmergencyServiceAddressResource | ❌ | Address for emergency cases. The same emergency address is assigned to all the numbers of one device |
phone_lines | List[PhoneLinesInfo] | ❌ | Phone lines information |
shipping | ShippingInfo | ❌ | Shipping information, according to which devices (in case of HardPhone) or e911 stickers (in case of SoftPhone and OtherPhone) will be delivered to the customer |
box_billing_id | int | ❌ | Box billing identifier of a device. Applicable only for devices of HardPhone type. It is an alternative way to identify the device to be ordered. Either model structure, or boxBillingId must be specified |
use_as_common_phone | bool | ❌ | Supported only for devices assigned to Limited extensions. If true, enables users to log in to this phone as a common phone. |
hot_desk_device | bool | ❌ | This flag indicates whether this device is used for hot desking or not |
in_company_net | bool | ❌ | Network location status. true if the device is located in the configured corporate network (On-Net); false for Off-Net location. Parameter is not returned if EmergencyAddressAutoUpdate feature is not enabled for the account/user, or if device network location is not determined |
site | DeviceSiteInfo | ❌ | Site data |
last_location_report_time | str | ❌ | Date/time of receiving last location report in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example *2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z |
line_pooling | LinePoolingEnum | ❌ | Pooling type of device: - Host - device with a standalone paid phone line which can be linked to soft phone client instance; - Guest - device with a linked phone line; - None - device without a phone line or with a specific line (free, BLA, etc.) |
billing_statement | BillingStatementInfo | ❌ | Billing information. Returned for device update request if prestatement query parameter is set to 'true' |
Device type
Name | Type | Required | Description |
BLA | str | ✅ | "BLA" |
SOFTPHONE | str | ✅ | "SoftPhone" |
OTHERPHONE | str | ✅ | "OtherPhone" |
HARDPHONE | str | ✅ | "HardPhone" |
WEBPHONE | str | ✅ | "WebPhone" |
PAGING | str | ✅ | "Paging" |
ROOM | str | ✅ | "Room" |
WEBRTC | str | ✅ | "WebRTC" |
Device status
Name | Type | Required | Description |
OFFLINE | str | ✅ | "Offline" |
ONLINE | str | ✅ | "Online" |
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