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livestream_idstrIdentifier of the livestream
service_providerstrName of the livestreaming service provider
livestream_statusSessionLivestreamStatusModelLast known state of the livestream as notified by Webinar Livestreaming Controller Service (WLCS). Value may not be consistent with latest state, especially for livestream associated with OAuth2.0 based service providers. Thus, state must be obtained directly from WLCS
previous_livestream_statusSessionLivestreamStatusModelLast known state of the livestream as notified by Webinar Livestreaming Controller Service (WLCS). Value may not be consistent with latest state, especially for livestream associated with OAuth2.0 based service providers. Thus, state must be obtained directly from WLCS
livestream_start_timestrTime at which the session started to publish media to livestream service provider.
errordictGeneralized API error structure suitable for any error type

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