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uristrCanonical URI of a grant
extensionExtensionInfoGrantsExtension information
call_pickupboolSpecifies if picking up of other extensions' calls is allowed for the extension. If 'Presence' feature is disabled for the given extension, the flag is not returned
call_monitoringboolSpecifies if monitoring of other extensions' calls is allowed for the extension. If 'CallMonitoring' feature is disabled for the given extension, the flag is not returned
call_on_behalf_ofboolSpecifies whether the current extension is able to make or receive calls on behalf of the user referenced in extension object
call_delegationboolSpecifies whether the current extension can delegate a call to the user referenced in extension object
group_pagingboolSpecifies whether the current extension is allowed to call Paging Only group referenced to in extension object
call_queue_setupboolSpecifies whether the current extension is assigned as a Full-Access manager in the call queue referenced in extension object
call_queue_members_setupboolSpecifies whether the current extension is assigned as a Members-Only manager in the call queue referenced in extension object
call_queue_messagesboolSpecifies whether the current extension is assigned as a Messages Manager in the queue referenced in extension object
call_queue_fac_setupboolSpecifies whether the current extension is granted Forward All Calls (FAC) permission
shared_voicemailsboolSpecifies whether the user referenced in extension object is sharing voicemails with the current extension

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