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content_typestrType of the attachment, which is generally a MIME attachment type like "image/jpeg", etc. Security level in ED determines what type of attachment is allowed. Based on the security level the following attachment types are supported. "Strict" level allows safe extensions below: Content name and supported types _ audio (supports aac mp3 ogg m4a) _ image (supports bmp gif jpg jpeg png svg webp) _ pdf (supports pdf) _ text (supports csv txt log) _ video (supports avi flv m4v mkv mov mp4 mpg qt wmv) _ other (supports amr dms vcard tif tiff mpeg) "Relaxed" level allows documents: Content name and supported types _ excel (supports xls xlsm xlsx xlc xlt xltm xltx) _ presentation (supports key odp otp) _ powerpoint (supports pps ppt pptx pot) _ spreadsheet (supports numbers ods ots) _ word (supports doc docm docx dotm dotx) _ word_processing (supports pages odt ott rtf) "Permissive" level allows all documents. However, there are no security level restrictions for content posted through the channel.
creation_timestrCreation time of the attachment.
embeddedboolEmbedded in a content.
filenamestrFilename of the attachment.
id_strIdentifier of the attachment.
publicboolPrivacy setting of the attachment.
sizeintSize of the attachment.
last_modified_timestrThe time when the last modification was completed.
uristrUri of the attachment.

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