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id_strIdentity identifier.
creation_timestrCreation time of the resource.
type_IdentityTypeType of the identity.
last_modified_timestrThe time when the last modification was completed.
avatar_uristrIdentity's avatar Uri.
display_namestrDisplay name of the identity.
email_addressstrEmail address.
extra_valuesdictAdditional data to store along the identity.
home_phonestrPhone number.
identity_group_idstrThe identity group id references the identity group that contains all information (phone, notes, etc.). Many identities may belong to this group. If the identity group id is null, it means that identity does not have a group and any extra information.
mobile_phonestrPhone number.
screen_namestrScreen name of the identity.
user_idsList[str]List of the associated user identifiers who can use the identity.
uuidstrUUID of the identity.
mobile_device_infostrDevice info of the identity. Applicable to RingCX Digital Messaging channels only.
fb_biostrFacebook biography of the identity. Applicable to Facebook and Messenger channels only.
fb_categorystrFacebook category of the identity. Applicable to Facebook and Messenger channels only.
fb_localestrFacebook locale of the identity. Applicable to Facebook and Messenger channels only.
ig_followers_countintInstagram followers count of the identity. Applicable to Instagram and InstagramMessaging channels only.
tw_descriptionstrTwitter description of the identity. Applicable to Twitter channels only.
tw_followers_countintTwitter followers count of the identity. Applicable to Twitter channels only.
tw_following_countintCount of Twitter accounts followed by the identity. Applicable to Twitter channels only.
tw_statuses_countintCount of tweets of the identity. Applicable to Twitter channels only.
tw_locationstrTwitter location of the identity. Applicable to Twitter channels only.
api_versionstrViber API version of the identity. Applicable to Viber channels only.
countrystrViber country of the identity. Applicable to Viber channels only.
device_typestrViber device type of the identity. Applicable to Viber channels only.
languagestrViber language of the identity. Applicable to Viber channels only.
mccstrViber mobile country code of the identity. Applicable to Viber channels only.
mncstrViber mobile network code of the identity. Applicable to Viber channels only.
primary_device_osstrViber primary device OS of the identity. Applicable to Viber channels only.
viber_versionstrViber application version of the identity. Applicable to Viber channels only.

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