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id_intInternal identifier of a message
uristrCanonical URI of a message
attachmentsList[MessageAttachmentInfo]List of message attachments
availabilityMessageAvailabilityEnumMessage availability status. Message in 'Deleted' state is still preserved with all its attachments and can be restored. 'Purged' means that all attachments are already deleted and the message itself is about to be physically deleted shortly
conversation_idintSMS and Pager only. Identifier of a conversation that the message belongs to
conversationConversationInfoSMS and Pager only. Information about a conversation the message belongs to
creation_timestrMessage creation date/time in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z
delivery_error_codestrSMS only. Delivery error code returned by gateway
directionMessageDirectionEnumText message direction. Note that for some message types not all directions are allowed. For example voicemail messages can be only inbound
from_MessageStoreCallerInfoResponseFromSender information
last_modified_timestrDate/time when the message was modified on server in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z
message_statusMessageStatusEnumMessage status. Different message types may have different allowed status values. For outbound faxes the aggregated message status is returned. If, for outbound message, a status for at least one recipient is 'Queued', then the 'Queued' value is returned. If a status for at least one recipient is 'SendingFailed', then the 'SendingFailed' value is returned. In other cases the 'Sent' status is returned
priorityMessagePriorityEnumMessage priority
read_statusMessageReadStatusEnumMessage read status
sms_delivery_timestrSMS only. The date/time when outbound SMS was delivered to recipient's handset in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z. It is filled only if the carrier sends a delivery receipt to RingCentral
sms_sending_attempts_countintSMS only. Number of attempts made to send an outbound SMS to the Gateway (if Gateway is temporary unavailable)
subjectstrMessage subject. For SMS and Pager messages it replicates message text which is also returned as an attachment
toList[MessageStoreCallerInfoResponseTo]Recipient information
type_GetSmsMessageInfoResponseTypeMessage type


Message type



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