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access_tokenstrOAuth access token to pass to subsequent API requests
expires_inintAccess token TTL (time-to-live) in seconds
scopestrThe list of space separated application permissions (OAuth scopes)
token_typeTokenTypeType of the token. The only supported value is bearer. This value should be used when specifying access token in Authorization header of subsequent API requests
refresh_tokenstrOAuth refresh token (if issued)
refresh_token_expires_inintRefresh token TTL (time-to-live) in seconds
owner_idstrToken owner's identifier. Contains RingCentral user (extension) ID
endpoint_idstrClient application instance identifier that matches the value provided by the client, or generated by the server if a client has not provided this value
id_tokenstrOpenID Connect ID token (if OpenID Connect flow was activated during authorization)
session_expires_inintRemaining time in seconds until session expiration due to absolute timeout. Returned only if absolute session timeout is enforced
session_expiration_timestrAbsolute value of session expiration time in ISO date formatted string. Returned only if absolute session timeout is enforced
session_idstrOAuth session ID
session_idle_timeoutintNominal value of session idle timeout in seconds. Returned only if idle session timeout is enforced


Type of the token. The only supported value is bearer. This value should be used when specifying access token in Authorization header of subsequent API requests



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